Health Insurance: A Major Solution to Nigeria's Healthcare Challenge And Global Healthcare Coverage

in Hive Naija2 months ago (edited)

Happy new week everyone @HiveNaija community and to everyone reading this post. I'm @fab-tay and i'am a healthcare professional (Pharmacist) by training and from my experience from practice both in the Hospital setting and in Community Pharmacy setting, i put up this write-up to be a changer for a better/healthier Nigeria and to provide insight about how we as Nigerians can navigate this era of hike in drug prices, food prices, inflation, high exchange rate and exodus of healthcare practitioners which has besetted the nation and also some other developing countries alike.
Health insurance isn't a new idea because it's has been on ground forawhile, but few are informed about it and those few enjoyed it. As there is vehicle insurance, life assurance, there is also health insurance and insurance generally means an attempt to forestall an unfavorable event be it disaster, damage, loss, disease/illness/sickness etc of any kind. Health insurance can be under the public sector (owned and runned by the government either federal or state) or under private sector (owned and runned by private companies). The cost of drugs is on the high now which badly affects the health status of many coupled with different other contributory factors. Source
Health insurance runs on different payment by individuals maybe yearly for example based on income or an agreed amount to be paid by an individual. Misconceptions about health insurance includes that it's a sign-up for health misfortune or it's only for public servants or those working in "big" companies or for the rich/elites which are not true because artisans, entrepreneurs, individuals too can be under health insurance coverage whether public or private facillitated. The goodnews is that most federal educational institutions and some states owed institutions like Universities, Polytechnics, colleges have health insurance called TISHIP (Tertiary Institution Students Health Insurance Program) which i benefited from during my undergraduate days back then.
It's encouraging to know that some states of the federal are now having their own health insurance program which specifically cater for their state aside that owned by the federal government or private bodies. For example, Osun State has what we called OHIS (Osun Health Insurance Scheme) which of recent pensioners, retiress and the aged are now all grafted in by the state government. There are many benefits or advantage of health insurance just like that of other insurance programs you can think off. These include maximizing meagre resources, maximum health coverage, prevention of unforseen health contingencies etc. Infact, there are health insurance plans for families where a whole family is insured at a reasonable cost compared to spending incured if not insured.

By experience in practice, i have seen different categories of people; young, old, working class, business owners, craftsmen/women, arrtisans etc enjoy health insurance coverage at discounted prices while others suffer loss from their inability to be under the coverage. Even under the health insurance if you are to pay for anything at all, the discount is there and it doesn't exclude anybody nomatter you level or class in the society. "Health is wealth" which is a popular saying but despise by many who didn't take any deliberate action about there health. I therefore encourage us as we go this week and as we move to the second quarter of this year to take deliberate step and efforts as concerning our health even planning and registering for a health insurance. Are you a student, worker, entrepreneur, businessman/woman, a professional etc, kindly register under a health insurance today based on your capacity and upgrade as things get better rather than leaving it to chance. Thank you everyone and let's have a great week ahead.

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