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RE: Growing Up In Wisdom: The Childhood Lessons That Still Guide Me Today

in Hive Naija2 months ago

Wow, so this was how it all happened? Interesting!

I think now I know why I never wanted to give art class a second thought, I've always thought it was too easy, all you need to do was read some books or novels and that's it. I know there is more but not in secondary school though.

I can totally understand Why you were so unserious at first it's because you saw the art class as a walkover. I'm glad your teachers talked sense into you and not something that made you want to give up. Glad your Mom also chipped in those brilliant words too, it did the magic, hehe.

This was a beautiful read as always ❤️


Hello there, Hope. How did I also miss this beautiful comment. I'm really glad to see you drop by, as usual. You're right, if my teachers and mum had left me, who knows what would've happened?

Maybe I wouldn't have gotten to meet Justfavour 🥰 but I'm glad I did 🤭