I'll rate myself a 4 in terms of goals accomplishment this year.

in Hive Naija9 months ago (edited)


Setting a goal typically involves identifying something specific you want to achieve or do regularly. I obviously have goals i set for myself at the beginning of every year. As the quote by Zig zligar says "A goal properly set is halfway reached.".

At the beginning of this year, I had about 20 goals I jotted down in my phone notes I wanted to accomplish this year.

My first goal was to save up to 400 thousand naira. In as much as things have been very expensive in Nigeria I have still had several chances to save and I didn't. We are in June and I haven't even been able to save only about 10 thousand naira. So technically, I might not be able to reach that goal by the end of the year.

My second goal was to try my best to invest in cryptocurrencies. I haven't even invested at all in any coin rather I have sold the coins I was holding in my wallet. This is a goal not yet reached.

My third goal was to hit the gym for a nice body shape. I haven't even visited the gym once this year not to talk of even using it to have a nice abs,broad shoulders and bigger muscles. I guess laziness is one of my barriers to meeting up with this goal.

My fourth goal was to reduce my drinks intake and take enough water(atleast 4 to 5 sachet water per day). I wrote down this goal because of my increase in intake of sugar and the risk to me. I have obviously reduced my drink intake. Now, I do take about 2 to 3 drinks in a week but I haven't been drinking 4 to 5 sachet water per day.The maximum has been 3.

My fifth goal was to focus more on my studies and read everyday. I am obviously a serious student and I have been focusing more on my studies but I will be sincere, I haven't been reading everyday.

My sixth goal was to avoid wasting time on girls and focus more on myself. I was always someone who tries so hard and sometimes turn into a simp by trying to get a girl that I waste most of my precious time. I will say I have been able to achieve this goal to some extent as I have reduced the large number of girls I talk to and avoid going to hard in making a girl like me or fall for me.

My seventh goal was to eat alot of fruits(banana,apple and watermelon). This is a goal I havent even met up to 3%. I can promise you I have been eating alot of biscuits this year but not fruits.

My eight goal was to spend less money on food and data. The money I spend on data subscription as really increased from the time I wrote down this goal but I have reduced in the way I eat. I obviously still spend alot of money on food even my mum knows that but it has definitely reduced.

My ninth goal was to choose to maintain silence than speak. I am obviously the lousy type so I don't think I should have even written down this goal in the first place, What was I thinking?? because i obviously likes to talk and don't maintain silence.

My tenth goal was not to try and impress others. This is my first goal have that have been able to meet up till now. I don't think I have tried in any way to try and impress anyone. I have just tried to impress myself and that's it.

My eleventh goal was to reduce asking people for money or help while in school. I was always someone who loves to ask people for help too much. I think I have been able to meet this goal to a certain level as I have tried to be independent this year and not try to depend or ask more from people.

My twelfth goal was to do up to 20 push ups per day. I wrote down this set up goals in January and I did this task till march. But as soon as I got to school I stopped due to several school activities here and there.

My thirteenth goal was to post less on social media and avoid installing Snapchat. I have been posting less on social media apps this year than before which means I have made much progress in achieving this goal.

My fourteenth goal was to try much as possible to stop sports betting. I was always someone that love to gamble online but now I can say I eventually stopped visiting the betting sites and have put a stop to sports betting without looking back.

My fifteenth goal was to pray every morning. I have actually been praying alot but I haven't been doing that every morning.

My sixteenth goal was to avoid Avoid arguing about unnecessary things or things that don't matter. I argue alot most especially about football and I just haven't been able to resist that.

My seventeenth goal was to be more quiet and attentive while in class. I have been doing this task effectively well and it has helped me improve alot in my studies as I have been able to understand what I am been taught in class properly.

My eighteenth goal was to always put myself first. I was someone who always put others needs before mine but it didn't pay me at the end of the day. I have been able to meet up this goal as I have always put my own happiness and needs first before thinking about others.

My nineteenth goal was was to avoid allowing others to oppress me. Oppression is something that you can get from friends and families and I was someone that have always allowed others oppress me which has led me to not love myself and also try to live the live of others. I have had to change that this year and I can beat my chest and say I have been able to accomplish this goal.

My last written goal was to careless about what others think. Doing what you have to do without having to think about what others feel about a certain situation is actually top notch. I have tried to always do what I think is right and best thing for myself from the time I wrote down this goal.

In respect to all the goals I set for myself and according to how i have accomplished them up till this moment I will rate myself a 4 out of 10 because I have only been able to achieve few of the them from the beginning of this year.

In addition, I have had new set goals this year since I joined hive which was to accumulate up to 400hp by the year. I hope to achieve this goal by the end of the year for sure.

This is my participation to @hivenaija contest for the week 52 which says

  • We're entering the second quarter of the year, and it may be time to evaluate ourselves. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself in terms of reaching the goals you laid out at the beginning of the year? Give reasons why you're rating yourself that number and whether or not you've had to alter your goals in the course of the last six months*. You can also participate.

The picture belongs to me

Thanks for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 9 months ago  

I will say, you expect a lot from yourself. Take it easy. You’re not a robot

Yeah I know the goals are much. But they were just so many things i wish to accomplish and i wrote them down separately.