How I Made Them Like Me More.

in Hive Naijalast month

There are so many times when we have to pull up some tricks just because we have to get out of a particular situation. There are times when we do it because we want people to like us or applaud the work that we have done so far. I’m sure this has happened to almost everyone here because we must have had so many life experiences and if we think well, we’re going to realize that we had to pull up a trick to get out of something so people could like us.

This made me remember something that happened to me when I was at the university. I so much love to give speeches and for this reason, if we ever have to do something in my department, I’m always at the forefront.
Well, not just anything. I never had to confront my lecturers because the majority of them disliked me so I was always making sure that I’m being careful so I won’t do anything to get the offended.


I wasn’t just good in making speeches but I speak so well. My vocabulary is fluent so there is no way they won’t want me to always go to the talks.

One day, I had a project to defend. Cramming my lines is something I find very easy and on that day, I was being overconfident. That wasn’t the only situation, I didn’t like to read over and over again. I always want to give my head the chance to rest.
That was my reading style but unfortunately I forgot to wake up very early in the morning to revise again.
Then I got to school and my friends were already hailing me and calling me a champion.
They knew I was going to kill it.

When it got to my turn to present my speech, everything was going well until I forgot a line. One thing can be very funny about giving speeches. If you don’t get forget a line, it is possible for you to forget everything or at maybe forget a whole part and it is usually an important part.
I forgot that line and instead of me to try to remember, I began to cough. I started coughing intentionally so I could leave the stage.
For those who don’t know, I’m asthmatic and my friends know that I cough very well. I think some of my lecturers also know about that and they had to take me away from stage.


At the end of the day, I won the speech and my team was given the highest mark.
I was shocked that I won the speech but at the same time, I spoke well even before I acted that drama.
My lecturers even liked me more and more and some people even offered to get me groceries because I made them win the mark and they pitied me too.

That was how I pulled up a drama for them to hail me and like me more. I was never going to take the shame of me forgetting a line so I found a solution to the problem.

Thanks for reading!

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Why are ducks good at playing limbo?
Because they can get down.

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If you think you can do it
Them surely you can do it and even more ❤️
Congratulations bby girl on a successful presentation .
You have always got it . Just believe