In Canada there is real government surveillance over citizens

in Informationwar2 years ago (edited)

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As reported by The Canadian Press, the President of Canada Justin Trudeau would have monitored the movements of his citizens thanks to the localization features present in smartphones in a kind of social control.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), has in fact hired the BlueDot company to collect telephone data of citizens and draw up reports to understand the movements of the population.

The content of these reports is extensive and includes strictly confidential information. For example, Canadian citizens' visits to relatives and friends, when they went shopping, or when they moved between cities and provinces. The tracking also includes the duration of the journeys and how long the citizens stayed in place.

One wonders what data has been collected, if the rights of Canadians have been violated and what advice has been given to the neoliberal government.

In December 2021 also the National Post revealed that the Candese Ministry of Health had tracked 33 million cell phones during the lockdown. An immense data amount, especially when related to the population of Canada which has approximately 38 million inhabitants. The Canadian Ministry of Health would also have signed contracts with companies active in the immense sector of data collection for the next five years with the excuse to manage other public health emergencies. It is legitimate to ask how appropriate it is for a State to monitor and control the habits of its citizens in such a pervasive way.

In March 2020, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that monitoring of cell phone users had not been considered. Well, they did, PHAC is doing it and they want to do it even more. The officials will tell you 'as soon as the emergency is over, we will return to privacy'. They won't. The invasive measures for privacy introduced during emergencies, pandemics, etc., often continue even after the emergency is over.

We have gone a long way in allowing states to take on new and exorbitant powers regarding the privacy of citizens. Western nations are also increasingly resembling China, about control and social score. No one but state-controlled authorities controls the abuse of power by public authorities.
We are moving from surveillance to total control.



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Ah, I see now why they needed those lockdowns. To test the system.