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RE: The Disappearance of Natural Immunity: The Latest COVID1984 Vaccine 'Science' & Push for Mandatory Vaccination

in Informationwar3 years ago

I think that person is just a kid or an immature one who probably has no experience in having disobeyed his authorities and therefor cannot feel that breaking the rules or rejecting the enforced laws has any disadvantage. He seems to be convinced that "punishing" people for their own views is just.

It goes so far as to respect your own view as less authentic and valuable and to insist on the assertion that a negative view cannot be, that is, to deny the individual how he feels. The people who tell you "it's not so bad", who say: "You feel wrong because you think it's bad, but I don't." That would be like a big strong man saying to a small physically inferior woman who has to carry thirty kilos of luggage on her back that it's not so bad because he can carry the thirty kilos easily himself.

His comparisons with the compulsory wearing of seat belts in cars or people being clothed in public completely miss the point. He is a submitter, a conformist who accepts laws made by fallible people as if they were God-given.

To describe the fact that I no longer have a job and that my colleagues think it is right that I am no longer allowed to enter the rooms without a mask and testing as a mere "disadvantage" shows a complete lack of legal awareness.

According to this world view, there is no discrimination, but the person who refuses has himself to blame because he has not obeyed. This tendency shows that people who exclude others from the social community probably do so because they fear for their own jobs and social exclusion. You don't want to have "rotten tomatoes" in your basket because it might reflect badly on you. So protective claims are made that brand people like us as immoral, as selfish. Yet it has long been clear that the hangers-on are in the majority, but feel threatened by a minority. Because they do not want to recognise that the threat comes from above and not horizontally. But they blame the weakest members of a community because they already feel stronger and do not want to lose this strength under any circumstances. The perceived fear of the oppressive provisions then expresses itself as rejection, hatred or ignorance towards the oppressed. The victim becomes the perpetrator because he or she does not want to be a victim.