
the community here has been ran off and harassed.

Self inflicted gunshot wounds... This kind of really kicked off during differing options about Covid. It's a shame really because I saw that time as a really fantastic opportunity to get and post information that would be banned anywhere else on the internet but basically the same thing happened here. If you didn't agree with the powers that be they would destroy your account. I decided to stop talking about it almost altogether out of fear of being targeted as well.

Yep among other spats. And personal vendettas.

Really sucked. It was beyond insane that the leftists here went so psychotic and still do.

They own the block chain. They were getting paid to help control the narrative. That's why it was lockstep.

How about them music artists that said you can't come to our shows without a vaccine passport? Oh yeah The Dead South did that and I won't let them forget it.

in a good world there would be some people apologizing for their sometimes insane actions. Such as basically everyone in charge in Australia... but nope, of course not. I fully expected a complete removal of people in power down under but nah. I guess some people just like being ruled.

Australia and Canada went full crazy...