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RE: Some reflections on social security, by an end user.

in Informationwar2 years ago

Wow solid state is old school.

And can you imagine pissing off your entire customer base by thinking that you could milk them of even more for simple fixes that a farmer should be able to do in the field but is prevented by proprietary technology warranties and specialized tools just to prevent them from a repair. .


I didn't have vacuum tubes in school, but I've studied them myself. They are harder to knock out by EMP, so I have several radios that are tubes.

John Deere has gone the extra mile, by suing some farmers for working on their own equipment. They claim safety concerns, but it a Massive amount of cash!

I also think they are getting some of the flack, for not allowing critical information to go to china. This way, the supplier hasn't been able to steal their secrets. So, in a way, I understand John Deere's position too. I think joe biteme's asian bosses may be behind some of this....


Well today with some cities reporting $7 a gallon...

It definitely looks like our pedophile in Chief with the crackhead son is doing such an excellent job that the entire country is paying for it.

This is definitely going to shut down all of the convoys! What a great idea let's just raise gas and cripple the entire economy.

Looks like we need to get this idiot out of office.

Amazing what you can do if you are the only one allowed to count the ballots!

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything!

Sound familiar? Tyrants never change!

His stated goal was $6 a gallon, adjusting for his inflation; that is $24 a gallon. So he has a lot of 'work' to do!

pedophile in chief

ROFLOL too damn true! He is scum-vermin for certain, the worst piece of feces 💩💩💩💩 to ever sit in that office....

That convoy will arrive like the wrath of GOD soon! He does need to go somewhere else, like a rest home.


I heard on the news that the first truckers showed up and started besieging our capital...

Still no word about Hunter biden's 4 billion dollar deal for Chinese kids that he did on behalf of the world's elites because Jeffrey Epstein and associates ended up getting caught.

Don't forget this entire war is a distraction to help out China when they should be the ones under the gun.

Absolutely too crazy of a day I think I'm going to have to go take a nap here soon maybe after I get done working on a couple of my martial arts sticks.

We will soon see how comfortable out tyrant wannabe is, in his office; by how violently he responds to these truckers!

It is obfuscation for sure, and we need to ignore all of it; and focus on China!

Good luck on the sticks, maybe you can sell them, after the SHTF for extra income. We all need to think about income after the economy is finished!
