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RE: Why we are a Republic, and Not a Democracy!

in Informationwar2 years ago

Prison is maximum state control. Biker gang names have no economic, political, or rational meaning. Once more, society functions in spite of the State because anarchy is the reality of our lives most of the time. Your arguments are incoherent.


No, my arguments are based on the fact that human nature will devolve to violence, due to greed and the hunger for power.

Prisons are mostly ignored internally, barring a serious violence event.

A community based on anarchy, will be over run, even if they say NO; to the force that wants what the community has!

Tell me how you would make anarchy work safely, in a SHTF situation....


You keep asking me to show how anarchy works. Anarchy isn't a system. It is the antithesis of central planning. It is people choosing, voluntarily interaction, and solving problems by diverse experiments to see what works best.

The market economy is anarchy in action, and where we see political intervention, that is where we see the most instability and corruption. Prisons are an artificial environment created by government, and if they fail to properly protect their wards, that's not the fault of anarchy as a political philosophy.

Do you want to know the difference between anarchy and government in a disaster scenario? Look at FEMA vs. the Cajun Navy in hurricane rescue. Look at all the churches and other voluntary aid groups often on the ground long before the Red Cross. Where states fail, you want to blame anarchy instead of the failure of the state.

Who taught you we need a Constitution and a Republic? Sure, many of the founding fathers were breaking away from the old monarchical model, but today, those in political power want us to believe their power is just and righteous instead of usurpation and abuse.

I understand the theory of how it is intended to function. The only SHTF market scenario I've seen that had a chance, was a location where if you stole or threatened force; they hung you. The market wgot a percentage for the harsh security.

When the SHTF happens, markets will not be unicorns and flowers; they will become life or death! Voluntary actions will cease to exist, unless backed by a threat of force.

When things break down, force will sadly be the only remaining safety! No consensus or agreements that are not backed by obvious threat of force, will get a lot of people killed. The the wild west was tame by comparison, because people back then had moral absolutes; today that is no longer true...they will steal the gold out of your teeth! So don't bank on human nature, because that nature is spotty at best

If you set up a community using anarchy, you better have armed guards and a defense plan; or you will soon have a boot on your throat. Not good, but sadly predictable. Also avoid markets for as long as you can, to allow the most violent to be filtered counter violence!

When the government fails, violence will replace the Constitutional rule of law. This is unavoidable, as power flows into a vacuum.

All government is a necessary Evil, to avoid being overrun by a foreign power (provide for the common defense). If the breakdown is deep enough, we may see some of that too.

If you have enough force, to stop all encroachment; you run the rusk of forcing your neighbors to comply with you cherished model. If you do this, you become the tyrant you want to avoid!

A Republic is the least invasive form of evil government, but the politicians need to be forced to abide by Constitutional restrictions. We have not enforced that restriction, so the politicians are following the same greed and hunger for power; and trying to set up tyranny.

They damn near finished us just before WW2, but were forced back to what worked by fascist in Germany and Italy, as well as the fanatics in Japan. Our 'government' is now copying the National Socialists game plan here!

I have never thought that government offers solutions, but there is a need for common defense. The Republic is the least invasive way to get that.

Ive never seen more contradictions in a single post. Are you not aware of where the strongest Nazi movement in the world is and who is supporting it? :)

"I understand the theory of how it is intended to function. The only SHTF market scenario I've seen that had a chance, was a location where if you stole or threatened force; they hung you. The market got a percentage for the harsh security."
And still, its your very government that praises and preaches
the world about democracy

"When the SHTF happens, markets will not be unicorns and flowers; they will become life or death! Voluntary actions will cease to exist, unless backed by a threat of force."
So just like a a gov, backed by deadly force, the problem, the elephant in the room is that the USA long ago lost a sense of community, at least in some areas.

"When things break down, force will sadly be the only remaining safety! No consensus or agreements that are not backed by obvious threat of force, will get a lot of people killed. The the wild west was tame by comparison, because people back then had moral absolutes; today that is no longer true...they will steal the gold out of your teeth! So don't bank on human nature, because that nature is spotty at best"
A civilized sociaty doesnt resolve its issues that way, only in extreme cases, the problem , again, is that you became so complacient having the currency of the world that you forgot about what is important, having a community, when you have a community you dont need to shoot people.

"If you set up a community using anarchy, you better have armed guards and a defense plan; or you will soon have a boot on your throat. Not good, but sadly predictable. Also avoid markets for as long as you can, to allow the most violent to be filtered counter violence!"

"When the government fails, violence will replace the Constitutional rule of law. This is unavoidable, as power flows into a vacuum."
You are already into the vacuum, its only a fake veneer of a cloak of decency that prevents you from falling.


I have studied History probably longer than you have been alive, so I know that the largest follower to Hitler now sits in the seats of power here in the USA; they are called liberals. They are fighting hard to finish off the Republic (it was Never a democracy) here, so they can divide up whatever survives! Their brown shirts are called antifa and blm, but there in little difference. They have allowed them to loot burn and kill, under liberal political protection; exactly like the national socialists did in 1930's Germany! They are bending every law they can find in a effort to disarm this Republic; because their dreamed of power increase is blocked by armed citizens. This also copies Hitler! They claim it is for the children, and will stop gun violence; as matches History.

If you don't Understand a comment, ask about what you don't think is right, and I'll be happy to clarify it for you.

This reply was answering specific questions, and was not intended to give you a warm feeling. We are approaching a time, where things will no longer be civilized, and violence, or the threat of violence will be the best we can hope for.

I have never said I like big government, they are destroying us as we speak! What I was saying is that when they do crash entirely, along with the rule of law; there will be hell on Earth. We all need to take steps to protect our own, because we will be on our own! Community based anarchy will not enhance anymore's safety, unless it is backed up by a real threat of violence.

When the spending becomes too much, hyper inflation will finish the dollar; and the World economy will crash with us! By then, you will need too be Living in the country!

The only thing that keeps us from falling, per the Founding Father's careful design, is the Second Amendment to the US Constitution! Right now, that Amendment on that centuries old document; is the only thing between civilization and chaos. They don't dare to try their feces, with millions of guns in civilian hands, and they know it!

Whole you are correct on the liberals have forgotten, that same poor memory doesn't extend to this entire country. There are a lot of people here that hate the World stage,and would prefer to let others police their own problems; and keep out people home, out of harms way!

Don't worry, the dollar will die soon, and the World can do as they please!

Be safe and prepare!
