Why we are a Republic, and Not a Democracy!

Some truths are timeless! This is a 50 year old video that is accurate to the smallest detail!

YouTube recording from an FBI agent:

This transition to tyranny has been in process for a long time! He really nails this problem, and clarifies why our Founding Fathers detested mob rule (AKA Democracy).

We need to Correct them 100% of the time, when they claim we are a 'Democracy'; to counter some of this momentum towards tyranny!


I am not persuaded there's anything virtuous about a republic. It's just a democracy with extra steps and more room for corruption to bloat.

I think a Democracy is worse than a Republic. corruption will be a constant but I think under a Democracy, people will be more inclined to vote based on their feelings for public policies. Republics with constitutions to limit the power of the government are better suited to keep the country stable.

You are totally correct, democracies generally fall in about a century when people begin to vote money for themselves from the government. This is always followed by massive inflation, and tyranny when things break down entirely. The limits on the government in a Constitutional Republic mitigate a lot of that abuse. They are doing everything they can to shred the Constitution. We are seeing the same voting damage now to our Republic; from those publicly educated voters that don't understand History!


A Republic keeps the 800 pound gorilla from climbing up on a citizens shoulders when they don't toe the politically correct mark. A perfect example is the people who have been in prison for two years without being charged. This is unconstitutional in our Republic, but that 800 pound gorilla has forgotten that he is Not in charge!

In a democracy this is perfectly acceptable, in a Constitutional Republic it is a Felony! The Republic is formed to protect it's citizens from government abuse, allowing them to decide what they will do with their lives! In a democracy it is mob rule, and you are a cog with assigned functions.

The classic form of democracy is two wolves and one sheep, voting on what's for dinner....


The Constitution is a framework for trampling rights, and the Bill of Rights has been systematically violated since George Washington. It doesn't cage the 800 lb. gorilla, it gives it excuses and enshrines it as "legitimate." Lysander Spooner trampled such arguments in "No Treason" and his letter to Grover Cleveland.

The Bill of Rights is a limiting document, recognizing rights given to Man by GOD himself! As such these rights are beyond the authority of government.

How (short of Anarchy) would you change it?


It hasn't limited government. Every article has been infringed. Besides, I'm an anarchist, so....

The infringements are Our failure, and not the Republic's. WE allow this feces, and get the government we deserve!

Anarchy is not a form of government, it is rule by power. To the most violent goes the spoils, everyone else is a slave or dead...even democracy is better than that!

When the economy crashes, you'll be so happy, it will be in anarchy! Then we live or die based on the force we control. I intend to thrive, so I've up armed to ensure that anarchy doesn't kill me!


Victim blaming. The government is not us. It does not represent us. It never has. It is a group of usurped. The entire principle of "consent of the governed" is nonsense, and people only comply under a perverse blend of duress and deception.

State collapse is chaos. This chaos does not prove the lgitimacy of the prior state. It does deomstrate the failure of usurped authority.

A Republic limits the power of the government, Democracy incubates that same power. They are diametrically opposite!

When the government fears the people, you have freedom; when the people fear the government you have tyranny.
