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RE: Whispers in the Dark, Voice Dissent as Freedom Fades, the Sound of Revolution in the Air

I don’t believe for one second that masks and lockdowns had anything to do with the disappearance of flu, what with the CDC’s own meta-analysis of 14 random controlled trials finding absolutely no evidence of mask use by anyone reducing influenza transmission or cases, plus at least 27 studies finding no evidence lockdowns helped stop spread or number of cases of ‘Covid19’.

But I am well aware that ‘they’ are aware people are waking up, it’s pretty obvious they are becoming increasingly desperate to control the narrative with propaganda and censorship efforts and the like, but thankfully them being onto us doesn’t effect our ability to withdraw our consent/support and unplug from the system, leaving it to collapse under its own weight (or continue enslaving those who remain willing participants in the system). I know, there are steps between waking up and uniting to take direct action to starve this beast to death, but humanity’s ever moving in that direction, just give it time. Those pushing the agenda are mostly all pretty old, and they will die off in one or two decades. Also, every empire collapses, their fall is inevitable, the only question is will it be predominantly peaceful or violent transition, and how many years will it take. The paradigm shift from fear to freedom is already underway, and I do not see them having the ability to stop it at this point.

As to the sign, it seemed self-evident to me that it wasn’t aimed at ‘keeping AZ healthy’ from the COVID not flu, as it is spring now and flu season is in the fall/winter. I’ve also never seen such electronic banners with flu messages before and I was in several of these exact places in winter 2019 before all this went down, where I’ve been seeing the propaganda recently, and back then there were no such signs (or at least not public health messages). I know they have their yearly flu shot campaigns every fall, but this seems to be more related to the endless COVID ‘pandemic’. They’ve never demanded we wear masks for the flu, also just down the highway another sign clearly said, “Covid19 masks required,” demonstrating the mask is about COVID not flu, plus the media has even reported that flu shot can actually help stop COVID hospitalizations, so it seemed clearly they were relating the two, but maybe I am mistaken and they are now just busy fighting the flu with all these signs even as the media continues ramping up COVID propaganda and flu has mysteriously disappeared... If that is the case, it also shows their absurdity. I should also note that I did see a similar sign in Utah in early winter that was more direct: “Stop Covid-19. Get your flu shot.” It may have also had “do your part to stop the spread” or something along those lines in there, it’s been a few months and I didn’t take a picture, but it specifically mentioned covid and flu shot on the same sign, so it seems to be a trend to relate the two in public health messaging propaganda.

You might be right about Tom, but everybody’s half woke at some point on their journey to awakening, and he says enough that if I was Big Pharma, I wouldn’t approve. He could be more direct and point to the proven treatments of course, of which there are too many to list here, but simply mentioning that there’s a suppressed cure and pointing to the motive to suppress it (trillion dollar industry) will got a normie’s mind spinning, and I think this approach is more effective in waking up the masses. Get people asking the questions themselves, rather than telling them the way we see it, and then when they do see the truth, whatever truth it is, it will be their truth that they discovered on their own quest for answers, and they won’t be swayed by any propaganda at that point. There are plenty of people out there ready to show seekers the evidence of alternative cancer treatments when they start looking for them, and most people I know (not just the ‘conspiracy theorists’ and anti-government types) are already aware by now that natural remedies exist and work, as so man people are being cured with natural medicine it’s hard to suppress that fact as people tend to share their success stories with friends and family. Big Pharma’s fighting a losing battle, and there’s no way they can win this war, there’s too many people onto their racket.

Everyone plays their part in this global awakening, and I have no doubt Tom is doing much good for humanity right now, reaching those who would never listen to the likes of you or I probably :) But Payday’s pretty real, don’t you think? Of course he doesn’t get the millions of views that Tom does, your case in point...

Have you seen the documentary, “Heal” - pretty powerful stories in there, it’s one of those films that has done wonders to bring down Big Pharma...