The Battle of Adwa

in Informationwar4 months ago

The Battle of Adwa is a historic event that took place on March 2, 1896, between the forces of Ethiopia and Italy. This battle was significant not only for its outcome, but also for its impact on the global scale, as it marked the first time that an African nation successfully defeated a European colonial power.

Menelik II

The roots of the Battle of Adwa can be traced back to the late 19th century, when Italy sought to expand its colonial empire into the Horn of Africa. In 1889, Italy signed the Treaty of Wuchale with Menelik II, the Emperor of Ethiopia, which gave Italy control of some territories in northern Ethiopia. However, there was a dispute over the Italian version of the treaty, which claimed that Ethiopia would become an Italian protectorate, while the Amharic version, signed by Menelik, declared that Ethiopia remained an independent state.

Wuchale threat

When Menelik realized the Italian deception, he declared war on Italy, leading to the Battle of Adwa. Menelik's forces were vastly outnumbered and outgunned by the Italian army, which was equipped with modern weaponry and led by experienced European commanders. Despite these disadvantages, Menelik's army was able to achieve a decisive victory, defeating the Italian forces and forcing them to retreat back to Eritrea.


The Battle of Adwa was a turning point in the history of African resistance against European colonialism. It shattered the myth of European invincibility and proved that African nations were capable of defending their sovereignty and independence. The victory at Adwa inspired other African nations to resist colonial rule and sparked a sense of unity and pride among Africans across the continent.

African Victory

The victory of Adwa was signaled end a colonial empire in East Africa and marked as a symbol of African resilience and resistance against foreign domination. Yet, the Ethiopian celebrate the Victory of Adewa every year on the 2nd of March; today for 128th

Follow for More. Abrish K


Thanks for sharing. How exactly did they accomplish this defeat?

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