A logical response to raising minimum wage, based on current technology.

in Informationwar2 years ago

As liberals scream for higher minimum wage, they are blind to the inevitable results of this wage increase!

Here is a very low cost solution for curing stupid minimum wages:

Here's McDonald's plan for this:
So cashier's go away pretty easy!

This clears out the drive-thru jobs:
They're adding an AI to the drive-thru to take all orders...more jobs gone. This is already happening today, and this is in response to simply talking about raising minimum wage!

I get special magazines referred to as trade magazines, one specifically on automation; and the hardware to totally automate a fast food restaurants...including cooks, exists right now!

I guarantee you, having built robot lines for clean room use, with a lot less...with this level of off the shelf gear, that task would be simple! The trigger will be raising minimum wage, when it gets to a level that will differ with all companies; they will fold in full automation!

This will come from stored plans that are likely already designed, and financially analyzed. When the cost rises to that magic point where the ROI (return on investment) makes sense, they will never return to biologic employees!

This magic point will differ with each company, based on automation cost, and local wages; but it Will come! In point of fact, this will come at existing wage levels, as automation costs drop. Raising minimum wage will only greatly accelerate that process!

Better get trained folks, minimum training and minimum wage are dinosaurs in 20 years at existing wage levels...or sooner....



I hate when politicians try to make "minimum wage" an issue yet normally ignore that a very very low percentage of adults that work full time are actually on minimum wage. I don't remember the percentage, but it is so low to the point of irrelevance yet the politicians try to paint the picture that it is a massive portion of society when they known damn well that the only people making minimum wage are skill-less people and teenagers.

This might make me sound cruel but if you are older than 25 and are working for minimum wage you probably made some very bad decisions in your life and likely have a tattoo on your face or neck.

True that, if you want to make more than minimum wage, get more than minimum training! You need to be worth more, by a factor of eight than they pay you; to cover their costs, and allow them to make a profit on your labor. 💵💲

This is how they stay in business, and how you keep the job! 🤠🥳


I knew a guy who bought a small restaurant and it was doing ok but since they made burgers and fries they had a lot of competition from major chains. When the state minimum wage got raised by a couple of dollars one year, he slowly saw his ability to function as a business slip away and when he raised his prices to try to stay in business, the customers went elsewhere. It was pretty tragic because he worked really hard to build that place and the government made it basically impossible for him to remain open.

That is the core, the business has to make hard cash on the labor of every employee to stay open! If they don't, you loose your job, because the business fails. The calculations I had to make, were based on Six times the income, due to government regulations, and healthcare costs. But now they have tripled the cost of healthcare, and raised taxes; so that number has to be nine or ten times today!

At $15/hour... that's a Hell of a lot of burgers that must be sold hourly!


Bring on the robots, if we adjust our management system to more resemble this one.

No reason for drudgery when machines can do it for us.
Without the crapitalusts' greed there is no reason not to do so.
If you haven't read The Iron Heel it lays bare the rich getting richer and poor working harder to stay fed as a never ending loop that only ends when the poor get out the pitchforks and torches.
It lays it out mathematically, in no uncertain terms.

Once you have read it, you will understand why 1984 and BNW get all the press and this one is unmentioned.
They pre-program us to accept what we have as normal.
TIH doesn't offer solutions so much as it exposes the lunacy of what we are continuing to accept as normal.

I will look at it, sounds interesting.

It is way past time for pitchforks! A reconning is imminent, because this feces 💩💩💩💩 from DC will crash this Republic soon. History demands it, and this profligate spending must accelerate the process! 😭👎

I am moving to the country ASAP, to avoid most of the mess that's coming.

It's obvious that the liberals are intrinsically evil, because no one can possibly be that naive! 👹☠️👎The worst national representative government I have ever seen or read about!!!!!

Keep on prepping, and stay free!


I got out of okc when I had the chance, too.
Now it is 15 miles to the nearest convenience store.
Not too enamored with that, but it will have to do.
The roving gangs won't have near the ability to sneak up on us as they do in the suburbs.

Well you're close, LOL; I'm in Tulsa right now. There is a convenience store about 5 miles from the homestead, because they are a dozen miles out in the boondocks.

The liberal control is doomed, unless they use false flag attacks to declare marshall law; to stop elections, to retain power. I don't put that past them!

Gangs will have one hell of a time finding the homestead, I had trouble finding it the first time, with written directions!

Be blessed!


Yes I've seen a place I worked at install a robot that replaced a couple of workers and I think as it proves itself more robots will be installed.

They are coming, as their costs continue to drop. They are surely coming! Raising labor costs will only hasten the process.

Adding the AI, removes the need for programming, because the robot can learn it's job on site. No need for trained support either, you need only maintenance and repair; much less expensive than healthcare.
