A startling video on a covid injection site problem!

in Informationwar2 years ago

Interesting video from a source I respect! Experiment on a vaccine site, to test magnetic response.


Watch this video!

The government has finally admitted that one of the approved vaccine contains significant particulate consisting of 304 stainless steel, that has been work hardened. Work hardened stainless steel is quite magnetic, as shown in this video.

This vaccine is banned in Japan, because two healthy Men died after getting this shot, from heart failure! Apparently they hit a vein, and the steel clogged some plumbing in the heart

They stopped three million doses in Japan, and returned them.


Nasty stuff to be put into people.

Especially with all the unreported complications! From the data I've seen, the vaccine may be more lethal than the virus. The CDC website lists it as one third as dangerous, but they are inflating the virus numbers, and not reporting the complications!

Creative accounting by those who are supposed to be scientists, and professionals tasked with protecting us; is criminal!


The vaccine is WAY more deadlier than the supposed virus.
Kind regards!
Take your Vitamin D!

True, the numbers are so slanted that they no longer have meaning! But even their tainted numbers are terrifying....

I take a lot of supplements every day, including many I make here.


Now we are all in our own bubbles, they just call them home now!

Nice music....
