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RE: Auto Manufacturers Are Giving Up On (battery powered) Electric Vehicles

in Informationwar2 months ago

I've been thinking a lot about this for the last few weeks. It's obvious in my opinion that they don't expect most people to be able to afford a car in the future. Like here they've spent the last ten years planning for the day of the fifteen minute city. Developers building buildings with apartments above retail space that for the most, you could say majority, have been vacant. They aren't paying to insure, heat and keep the lights on for nothing, there has to be a bigger agenda. So there's that which has been going on for quite awhile but most recently they put in a bike lane that runs alongside the highway. It wasn't like anything they've done so far when it comes to bike lanes, this was extensive. Wide path lanes for bikes that are divided from one lane of traffic by flower beds they call rain gardens. They narrowed that street down so bad you'd be afraid to open you car door if you parked there for fear someone would take it off. This one comes with all the bells and whistles. It has two paths to it, one running south on one side the street and one running north on the other side (the road is a one way street for vehicles), both painted bright green with white stripes, there are yield signs, do not enter signs, and a flashing light at a four way stop. This isn't their ordinary white stripe down the road with some bikes printed on the asphalt. This was some serious business for a state that has four, five months a year of decent weather. Speaking of weather that's another one that's been on my mind. I bet I shoveled three, maybe four days this entire winter. Totally unheard of. But each year it keeps getting less and less. To be honest, I am no expert by the way, but I think these Space X flights are changing our weather patterns. I don't honestly believe they are doing this so some day Americans can go to the moon. The reality is how many people would ever be able to afford to go that would make it profitable. Even at that for people who have money, once you go see what's there, which is nothing, how many times are you going to go again. I brought this up yesterday to someone else on another site, but if you pay attention, the last two times he sent rockets up California within weeks had "rare" atmospheric rain events. California has been in a drought for years but now they have more water than they know what to do with. What needs to happen is someone with this type of expertise needs to calculate out how far that rocket goes and if it's seeding clouds how long those clouds take to get to CA and once they dump their seeded load of rain what's the projected result of that as those clouds continue to travel compared to if those clouds had never been seeded. What would have been the normal course of action of those clouds. He just shot another one off a week or two ago, if I remember correctly and there's been talk of another rain event to hit California. I don't think they are labeling this one an atmospheric event, at least not yet. Could be there are in a trial and error mode, determining the right amount of seeding for a certain level of rain. I happened across an article a few weeks ago about a country in Africa where they have been using cloud seeding to promote rain, and it's actually working and from above aerial photos shows the landscape lush in green. The reality is I don't trust Musk as far as I could throw him. He gets billions from the government but we are to believe he's taken a hard right turn in his from his once liberal views. I think there's a need for an expert to take a serious look at why they'd let him just send all the junk he sends up in space and what the real underlying motive of that is. But as the future rolls out for the liberally indoctorinated I think their future holds unaffordability in car ownership and they'll be biking, taking public transit, light rails and hoofing it where ever they want to go. The writing is on the wall like I said. They announced here they are going to squeeze a soccer stadium on land down the road from me. There's no adequate parking for eight thousand people down there, the residents of city are steaming mad at them but they don't care, their explanation was they did an assessment that shows there's adequate places to park, get ready for it, within a fifteen minute walk to the stadium. They are also plopping this thing down right next to a residential area, those people will have to walk blocks to park on nights there are events and the noise will be atrocious. Even I am planning to move, it will echo all the way to my house. I can already hear music from festivals downtown, this will drive me insane. Oh, and I forgot, they are building it for their number one growing demographic in the city, the Hispanics. Another big FU to the residents, we don't care about you, it's all about those illegals that can cheat the vote to keep us in office.


The problem with computing the Musk-rocket to rain fall is tricky as F-ck.

We have something happening with the weather. Despite what musk is doing, and we haven't tracked that well. So, we basically have at least two moving variable to try to sus out. That's above my pay grade.
(and remember, the moved most of the temperature measuring things to airport, out on the hot tarmac, so we have to account for that too)

Ze prizoner vil love their new carbon safe zones. And ze vil stay there all zer life, and never want to leave.

There was an article but it's on my other browser, I'll try remember to paste it up here. But it was on a lake in California that was near empty due to the drought. It talked first about them filling it by using the damn but later spoke of the atmospheric rivers as having played a big part in that lake reaching near full levels again. Personally I am convinced Musk rockets did that, like you it's way beyond my pay grade to try and figure out. I also ran across another article that spoke of cloud seeding, can't remember if I saved that one or not, might have, will have to take a look. It did say that using cloud seeding does have an effect on other areas.

Yes, i have friends who are talking about long drained lakes in CA being refilled.
Now, is it Musk, or is it a change in how the weather is flowing now.
Or both.

We are in the beginning of an ice-age, and that usually means a change in all the flow patterns. Ocean and sky.