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RE: осень -- время для грибов! (18 foto)

in RU° [closed]3 years ago (edited)

В последний раз я собрал в лесу небольшой пакетик мухоморов и насушил его. Получилась средних размеров баночка. Предполагаю использовать исключительно в лечебных целях (пруф-пик прилагаю).

I've heard about Fly Agaric and the health benefits but never even thought about trying it. As you said it - we should not fear from it but learn about it....I remember in one of the first mushroom books I got that Russian shamans used it before rituals. How do you use it and what for? I know I can search on the Internet but I would really love to hear personal experience.
Also have you heard the story that Santa Claus was pretty much created after a trip on Fly Agaric?!? 😁 That is why he is in red and white...and the flying deers... I can see the relationship 🍄🎅


hey there! I use it to receive some enerdy, make a tea of dried amanita
in the post you see the photo of my friend @bambuka, who invited me to that cool mushroom hunt at Karelia this September, during the walk we consumed a few Amanita stems 'raw' - to get more energy for the walk. He is far more experienced then me, by the way, and considers this mushroom to be one of his faves, or simply fave (along with porcini, ofc). You may want to check two of his posts that he shared here a long ago... as you may see, he didnt stop posting since he is active and doing well, and shares with us his solid personal experience.

also you may check this post by @balticbadger

Thank you for the recommendations, super usefull posts. Your friend @bambuka seem to understand the language of mushrooms. I loved what he said somewhere in a post or comment that you can ask the mushroom what you need and she will provide ❤️
Next time I'm in the mountains I am picking some amanitas 🍄