
ahhaa,, thank you so much for clearing me, now I can say that I have learnt something special about Hive and about Delegation.

Can you also tell me about Curation rewards? How it works?

Similar. I now gave you an upvote of 0,043 $. Halv of it will be given to you after 7 days. The other half will be with me. At least if I upvote your post in the first 24 hours.

Than it gets less for me. for you it stays the same. After 24 hours only one quarter of the upvote is given to the curator and the other quarter is given to upvoters which upvoted on day1. After 3 days it is only one eights.

The creator of the post decided if it is 100 % HP or split in HP and HBD.

Didn't get your point on this,
As you gave me a vote, half will be mine after 7 days as per rule of hive and the remaining half will be divided in those who upvoted my post?
Am I right?

First part is right.

The reamining half will if

voting takes place in first 24 hour of the post given to the voter
voting takes place after that divided between per son who voted and all other people who voted before

That is why most people only upvote articles within the first 24 hours or maximum 3 days.

okok tysm, now I fully understand it