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RE: 28 Days Later - A Lonely Scientists Story - Thanks Corona !

That is a great hypothesis ^^ .. I actually believe that part of humankind is actually rotten enough to do this without even thinking to much about it. History told me more than once what people are willing to do to achieving the most weird goals .. But I actually do not think it is happening like this, also there are many possible motives, starting fro planing a world wide cleaning offensive to just a group of nature terrorists who want to stop the pollution of the planet .. But in my opinion this is just over exaggeration of all of us .. There are flues everywhere every year where more people on the planet are dying from and no body seems to care to much .. We also already had similar things like pig and bird flues, Sars, Ebola and I don't know what else where no body seems to care to much too .. I think this time its the fault of Netflix, for feeding us constantly with series's about Zombie and Virus apocalypses and other "The worlds going to end" movies ^^ .. Lets see how world looks like in a month ;)


Netflix, Amazon Prime, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, LOTS of tools distract us from our essence?
Periodically we should make periods - more or less long - of detoxification from distractions: what wonderful opportunity does the isolation of covid-19 offer us? 😎

A worm hug! 🤗