
Hi winky, or arty...Either works I guess. Lol.

Thanks for reading my little post. I'm not one to believe in mystical stuff mostly, I mean I have my beliefs and all but...When that message came in...Hmm. Afterwards, as I hiked, I kept wondering why I took my phone and came up with this as the only answer...To get that message. I don't know, maybe a bit dumb, especially for a pragmatic man like me, but it is what it is.

I'm so glad you like my posts, that they make you feel good. Warning...My next one is my #weekend-engagement post tomorrow and...Well, I've drawn myself...So, fair warning. Lol.

I'm not sure where you are, but have a nice Thursday. :)

I'm in South Africa, looking forward to your post @galenkp . Stay safe. Oh and by the way, you can call me winkie or arty. Lol. I don't mind at all. Wink is my surname. Go well.

Ah a Saffer. Let's not bring up the rugby...You lot kick our butt mostly and so it's best left alone. 😜

I am the most accomplished artist you're likely to meet...You will see when you look at my next post. There's artistic ability, and there's a level that transcends that lowly status...few attain it. I clearly have. You will see. 😆