
I've been creating a new reality for myself over the last several weeks as my existing one wasn't quite resonating with me. It was a situation I found untenable and after many years of accepting it I finally decided to deal with it, cast aside the doubt and fear of a potential new reality and move forward. It's often best to do so before allowing the situation to fester and resentment build I think. So the new reality deployed and if you're keen you can read about it here.

dazz (8).png

Today I came home early from work and after a post-work snack of a few cheese and crackers I changed into my hiking gear and pulled on my boots with the intention of heading across the road for a hike. It was 1527 so I figured I'd get almost couple hours in and would arrive back home as it became fully dark. Great. I headed to the door and...

...I'd left my phone on my home office desk. That's the new reality I've been working on. I don't take my phone everywhere because It's bloody annoying and I don't need it. But here's where things get interesting; something made me go back for the phone. I don't know what the reason was, certainly no conscious thought, and it was odd because I've come to not miss the phone over the last several weeks, and have simply gotten used to being without it. Anyway, I went back, slipped the phone into my pocket and went hiking.

I'm not one to sit around waiting for contact from people but I've so desperately craved contact from one particular person lately that it's distracted me from most other things. The contact hasn't come though and I've been left to deal with it; I'm reasonable at dealing with most things but this was different; I needed to know this person was ok, but never got the message.

Anyway, I was hiking; Partially blue skies, birds, green trees and grasses everywhere I looked...Cold, but still pleasant. The gravel crunched beneath my boots and the thoughts of the day, the swirling stuff that spins like a vortex in my head were slowing, melting away and then, bing bing bing; the message notification on my phone.

I ignored it. It can wait; I'm hiking. It was 1546.

I walked on, turning to head up the hill and the more challenging part of the hike. Damn it, I better check that message I thought considering I'd be pushing it pretty hard up the hill and didn't want to stop. It was 1548.

It was the message I had so craved for weeks and I stopped dead still.

I read the message three times almost not believing it was there. It was though, and I responded. A casual response, polite but one I knew hoped would convey my concern, care and gratitude. It was 1550.

I kept walking making my way up that hill my step a little lighter, my heart too. There were a couple more messages and at 1604 the last message came in; it was a polite goodbye, have a nice afternoon sort of message. I responded, pressed send and resumed my hike with a smile on my face. It was 1607.

Just before continuing I snapped the image you see at the top of the post...It's where two trails fork and head in different directions. It seemed poignant that it was at the fork in the trail when that final message came in and I replied. Two people going in different directions just as the path did...But I guess in truth it's not so. There was, and is, connection and that's something right? I like to think it.

Sometimes paths parallel one another, converge, diverge, go on a tangent, get rough or smooth, become indistinct and even meet road blocks and dead ends. It's the same with relationships I guess and as humans we just have to accept that as difficult as it may be. I'm not a give in or give up sort of guy though; capitulate isn't in my vocabulary but I've had to accept certain realities...But then...The message. I know, just a message, but in truth much more than that also.

I don't know what made me take my phone today when I hiked as I normally would not have done so. The universe? Nope, I don't think so. Coincidence? Maybe. Hope? Nah, how could I hold that after so long but...I took it and there was the message. Serendipity.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209


I believe things we do and sometimes what happens to us, there's always a good reason why it happens that way, although we don't understand it. Loved your story @galenkp. I always feel good after reading your posts,they uplift my spirit, thank you for sharing.

Hi winky, or arty...Either works I guess. Lol.

Thanks for reading my little post. I'm not one to believe in mystical stuff mostly, I mean I have my beliefs and all but...When that message came in...Hmm. Afterwards, as I hiked, I kept wondering why I took my phone and came up with this as the only answer...To get that message. I don't know, maybe a bit dumb, especially for a pragmatic man like me, but it is what it is.

I'm so glad you like my posts, that they make you feel good. Warning...My next one is my #weekend-engagement post tomorrow and...Well, I've drawn myself...So, fair warning. Lol.

I'm not sure where you are, but have a nice Thursday. :)

I'm in South Africa, looking forward to your post @galenkp . Stay safe. Oh and by the way, you can call me winkie or arty. Lol. I don't mind at all. Wink is my surname. Go well.

Ah a Saffer. Let's not bring up the rugby...You lot kick our butt mostly and so it's best left alone. 😜

I am the most accomplished artist you're likely to meet...You will see when you look at my next post. There's artistic ability, and there's a level that transcends that lowly status...few attain it. I clearly have. You will see. 😆

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I am still...


Between the Lines.

 Fucking OCD.

I was at that fork (2009-10)

I am thankful the paths stayed...


Parallel paths can be good, but a path is a path and if upon one a person must move forward...The alternatives are limiting.

I Want to HELP.!!

but feel helpless and lost here.

When Cancer finally consumed Kel's Mother. She was wrecked, shattered, a shell of what She was. I was lost and nearly walked away. 3 months after, enter the kitten named Sammi Jo...

You know the story.

A1 Sammi's First Photos 9-2010.jpg

Samantha gave us common ground. A starting point, (restart)

Finally we could hang out and be friends again. The pain of loss, tension and anger was pushed aside. We survived what destroys our loved ones physically, and what many times destroys those closest to them. Emotionally, spiritually, etc.

I wish there were something I could do or say to fix whats broken with You. Remember, I read between the lines.

Kelly & Sammi Jo 1010.jpg

2010 was @pooky-jax and @krazzytrukker 's toughest year. Thanks to a simple kitten, born on or near Kel's Mothers birthday, Everything changed, we ended the year stronger, closer, and I want the same for You this year.

I'm all good bro, nothing can keep the old G-dog down. Nothing.

Well, if durian or balut gets anywhere near me I will die, but other than that, nothing. Tough as old nails mate.

I was like WTF is this madman talking about..?


Now I remember... presearched it.


It's all coming back to you in a stream of vomit.

Sometimes things just come together in a potentially beneficial manner. I don't have a particular word for it so serendipity works as well as any other.

Yeah, I was wordless myself until serendipity saved the day.

I'm not a give in or give up sort of guy though; capitulate isn't in my vocabulary but I've had to accept certain realities.

I would never have guessed caveman. I think there is room in everyone's personality to give a little to get a lot. Especially when it comes to love. Well, you know how I feel about love.

It makes the world go round.

I never play hardball when I am not wearing a mitt. Also, what did make you bring that cell phone AND answer it? Fate? Serendipity? Hope? A little bit of everything? It sounds like it was a great hike! A spring in your step makes the hike go faster!

I'm a bit of a giver Denise; generous by nature and one who is often willing to go without for others, or at least go out of my way, especially if they mean something to me. I don't like begging though but I guess, in this case, you know I'm not really talking about money but more emotionally, and of oneself.

Sometimes what I give is unrequited of course, but that's just the way it is. I'm often perceived as hard AF and I guess that could be a way to describe me, but I am also many more things, most of which people will never choose to see or value. It's ok though, I'll be me, they can be them. In their defence I don't often let people see who I am but I guess some people look a little more deeply than others.

The phone thing...It was weird. Something just said to me get your phone. I don't know, it's a mystery, but I'm glad I took it. I wold have seen the message later of course, but right about then it made my hike better.

I can absolutely tell you are a giver, in more ways than one and it doesn't take a genius to see that. Of course, I was poking you because you are fun, but, it is never fun to stick your finger in a vulnerability.

You can play hard, but, usually, that is a cover for the softer side that you don't let people see. I understand not letting people see, one should never show his whole hand. My thoughts are with you tonight and as always, have a great day!

You need another hike! Take the phone!

Obviously you are one who sees a little more clearly than others.

Hike will be happening...Just wrapping up work now...1505...Heading home for snacks then will deploy for a hike.

cover for the softer side


Take your phone!

Phone will accompany me, as will my hope.

I'll be thinking of you and your hike. High step it!

Given that everything is kind of interconnected (whether we choose to acknowledge it to some degree or pretend it's a whole pile of woo woo hippie mumbo jumbo that somehow doesn't apply to us XD) your entire story makes perfect sense to me XP

Yay for listening to the instincts and grabbing the phone that you usually leave behind so you could get the message you were waiting for :)

I know right? They say, everything happens for a reason, and I tend to agree, certainly from the respect of us taking ownership and responsibility then action in our own lives...That's when things happen for a reason. Of course...Some things just happen, like the phone yesterday, and so I'm lead to feel that it was something that was meant to happen.

Very serendipitous I would agree. I have been battling that same thing lately. I am not on my phone 24/7 as so many I know, but the need to separate myself from it is real. I am on it enough during the work day, that I found that simply turning off the ringer and occupying myself with other things is the break I needed. The alerts seem to unnerve me anymore. Ding ding or beep beep .. dive right into my bones and irks me. What did I do before this thing became such an essential part of my life? Yup.. same thing I'll be doing a bit later while out with friends tonight for dinner. On mute and away from my side. I'll check it before bed. lol

Sounds like you're on the righteous path. The sooner people do it the better their life opens up again. We got by without phones in front of our faces 24/7 before so can now. It's a choice.

Alas, most people succumb to the fear of missing out and and stay trapped and plugged into the Matrix.

Everything happens for a reason. I also avoid being glued to the phone and when I hike I put it on silent as I want complete silence. No matter what happens, me responding will not shift the course of events. There was indeed a time when people made eye contact and genuinely talked to one another. They still do now, but there are fewer.Many just look at the phone while talking like some magic fairy would appear out of that piece of plastic. It just shows how blind people can be to the treasure of the present moment. One could appreciate the person in front of them. But somehow 100 virtual unreachable people seem more appealing. I can't get behind the logic of this thought, but it is what it is. For me personally it annoys me if I am with someone that I care about and they sit on the phone. I take it as a sign of disrespect and plain lack of interest. I can't and won't tolerate it. Life is too short to be made less important that an IBrick. Iphone. You name it. Fancy expensive tech plastic which connects you with the world while disconnecting you from yourself.

Hi Mary. I agree with all you say.

I'm very intolerant of that sort of thing, being with someone who has their head stuck to their phone. There's a time for it, but there should be boundaries and limits; and foregoing the real world for it is senseless.

Only yesterday I was chatting to a mate who I had not spoken with for 3 months. He had another call come in and said I have to get this, won't be long. He put me on hold and went to the other call. I hung up and went on with life.

I value the person I'm with, treat them with respect and don't do stuff like the above...Never put people on hold to wait around for me like that. But that's just me.

Anyway, people mostly don't care. Facebook is more important that most other things which is why they comprise real life and real people for it. Wankers.

Arrrrghhh being put on hold. Oh wow I can relate so much with that G.! I find it unbearable and yes it is very distracting. Especially if you are having an important conversation, it completely ruins the flow. It happened to me as well. Now, with the humble wisdom I managed to gather, I would just not put up with it. In other words, it says that you are not so important as my curiosity to see what else that other person has to say. It shows a complete disregard and a lack of emotional intelligence. Now, if this would happen, I would say : our conversation ends here, I dislike being put on hold, contact me when you are prepared and willing to have a genuine conversation. I guess people do it because no one says them it is wrong and us keeping silence in a way legitimizes their gesture. I would now speak up, regardless of what the other believes. As a popular saying stated :Those who mind, don't matter and those who matter don't mind

unbearable and yes it is very distracting

It drives me bonkers. I don't mind if I'm calling a stranger but when a friend does it? Makes me want to stab them with a blunt spoon. I don't though. I just hang up. I think it shows a lack of respect. I get that sometimes important calls come in, but best to say, I'll call you back, than put someone on hold.

are not so important as my curiosity to see what else that other person has to say.


As a popular saying stated :Those who mind, don't matter and those who matter don't mind

You're a smart pants. Lol.

Also, please draw yourself, or someone else, for the #weekend-engagement topic on my post feed this week. The worse you draw the better. Get involved if you have the time and inclination. :)

Haha smart pants yess I love to wear pants. And they look smart. Hahaha. Goofy, I know what you wanted to say. I will check it out. Me drawing me? A round shape with curls stucking out of my head lol

Haha, I'm reading this thinking, she thinks I'm talking about pants? 😁

A round shape with curls sticking out of my head

Sounds about right. When you see my drawing you'll see how bad the standard is.