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RE: Serendipity

Very serendipitous I would agree. I have been battling that same thing lately. I am not on my phone 24/7 as so many I know, but the need to separate myself from it is real. I am on it enough during the work day, that I found that simply turning off the ringer and occupying myself with other things is the break I needed. The alerts seem to unnerve me anymore. Ding ding or beep beep .. dive right into my bones and irks me. What did I do before this thing became such an essential part of my life? Yup.. same thing I'll be doing a bit later while out with friends tonight for dinner. On mute and away from my side. I'll check it before bed. lol


Sounds like you're on the righteous path. The sooner people do it the better their life opens up again. We got by without phones in front of our faces 24/7 before so can now. It's a choice.

Alas, most people succumb to the fear of missing out and and stay trapped and plugged into the Matrix.