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RE: Visiting Bruno's Restaurant during the Pandemic

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago

I do wonder how many restaurants will survive this... after all, they run on pretty thin margins when they have a full house anyway. So, with the reduced seating space, they are going to find it pretty hard to cover expenses.

Here in The Netherlands, a few of our favourite places have already folded. It will be a tough time for the food business... and some others sectors as well, which will be contrasted by other sectors who don't realise that there is a problem!


Yes, I agree with you. In our City there are a lot of restaurant closing already. Where they are actually earning from now are the food deliveries, most of the restaurants here are adapting to that.

Here in our City, there are a lot of people who are starting food businesses and just have their food for take out or pick up. But there are a lot of businesses closing down also like schools.

It's really tough times right now. Let's just try our best to survive so we have a story to tell in the future. Stay safe always and have a great day!