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RE: Looking At The Fragility Of Your Mental Health Before Embracing Some Life's Challenges

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago

Very factual post. I have always had this notion that things have their advantages and disadvantages and fear is included in it too. However, knowing how to act when fear comes is the most important. Forget what the motivational preachers say about fears.
Finally, it all boils down to the saying of one of the old philosophers

Man know thyself.

This saying has saved a lot of people. I get scared to do a lot of things because of the fact that I know myself and this has saved my life so far.

but then life isn't about the mad rush

This is the best part of it. There is no rush in this life. Everybody is running a different race and one should thrive as much to get to the finish line ..

Great post ... @josediccus


Splendid comment Brotherly, like you said, everything has its own advantages and I feel this is the same too for fear. We however need to see when it's become too much and when we need it. Let's however not see fear as a motivation but as a check on our excesses. Thanks for the comment, I have added you to my auto vote, it's actually small but then with time it will grow.

Thank you so much

You're welcome buddy