Looking At The Fragility Of Your Mental Health Before Embracing Some Life's Challenges

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Over the past couple of months I've been struggling with understanding what are the most viable decision for my life and so far I've found out that I've placed my physical and mental health over prospective happiness in most of the decisions and actions I've taken and at the moment I don't know if I've been totally right or wrong. Truth is, irrespective of how we feel we don't need fear, I feel sometimes fear helps us to face our reality the way it is and even if it deadens our courage it often brings a kind of check to our excesses which people often don't reckon with. Imagine if a person has no fear of fire?

It'll mean that the danger which fire brings will have no essence of repercussions without fear coming into place to remind us that something like fire on our skin threatens our existence. I won't lie, sometimes I fear, I understand the danger of fear, I know the repercussions but then I understand my limit when it comes to fear but then sometimes it's better to kill your hope. Hope makes you expectant and expectancy can make your ability to rate your chances in life on a realistic level very high but then it's much more worse to be expectant and your expectations doesn't meet the desire outcome you eventually seek.

Lately I find myself being protective of my mental state this is because how well my mental state seems or does determines the productivity of my physical state and attracting things that cumbers my mental state is something I always run away from and this entails accepting challenges that might demean me. It's always great to stand up to challenges in life irrespective of the challenges we have but then there are moments we have to be realistic and face the fact that sometimes our abilities are below par in handling some life challenges. We can only go as fast as our stipulated abilities and anything extraordinary might put us in danger of capitulation.


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Sometimes when we discontinue some mad and endless chase to achieve the impossible in life, it doesn't mean the whole reason is as a result of our cowardice. If bravery doesn't precede sensibility them we might just call it foolishness and that's the whole truth. Sometimes what people see as bravery is just stupidity backed up without rationality. It's always important for us to know when to stop, when to continue or when to retreat and that's how we maintain our longevity in life. To me I see some challenges in life as a foolhardy task. I know myself, I know how far I can go and the repercussions when I try to exceed that range but then life isn't about the mad rush, it's about thriving, it's about surviving beyond capitulations and living to tell how we've conquered beyond all odds.

My mental health is important to me and I often run from things that threatens it's stability. In 2013 I suffered severe depression and in 2014 and 2015 it became worse due to some life changing experiences I went through and then this threatened my physical health in general and I almost lost my life, In 2018 I feel I love with someone I probably shouldn't, this was something that nearly ruined me. I recognise and understand the fragility of my mental state and this is why I often look at the possibilities I have going forward in life because banking on hope only disappoints one in general. In life it's imperative we understand ourselves before embracing dangerous quests all in the name of challenges.

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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Very factual post. I have always had this notion that things have their advantages and disadvantages and fear is included in it too. However, knowing how to act when fear comes is the most important. Forget what the motivational preachers say about fears.
Finally, it all boils down to the saying of one of the old philosophers

Man know thyself.

This saying has saved a lot of people. I get scared to do a lot of things because of the fact that I know myself and this has saved my life so far.

but then life isn't about the mad rush

This is the best part of it. There is no rush in this life. Everybody is running a different race and one should thrive as much to get to the finish line ..

Great post ... @josediccus

Splendid comment Brotherly, like you said, everything has its own advantages and I feel this is the same too for fear. We however need to see when it's become too much and when we need it. Let's however not see fear as a motivation but as a check on our excesses. Thanks for the comment, I have added you to my auto vote, it's actually small but then with time it will grow.

Thank you so much

You're welcome buddy

I want to thank you for sharing this with us. You mention several important things. for example, looking after our mental and physical health and more when we have gone through difficult times like depression (I went through that a few years ago). When we have lived those experiences we become more responsible with ourselves, we are more alert to everything that surrounds us and that we have inside.

That's why "fear" is so important, because it warns us, alerts us, prevents us. And of course, we have to act in spite of fear, that makes us stronger and braver, but we also have to know when to stop.

Once again thank you, @josediccus. You have a new follower.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

I can understand the feeling. We live in Venezuela. It is hard to keep our mental health here. Every day it is a challenge and we have to "invent" ways to avoid all the crazyness and remain sane.
Thank god we have hive now to keep us focus on productive things and it has helped us economically, so it's been great so far