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RE: Oregon Coast

I stayed right there, slept in the car. :) There was a 'no camping' sign but a couple in a fifth wheel there ahead of me. I was out of sight of the road (as were they) about 40 yards apart.

I had my story ready. I was going to tell whoever stopped to check that I wasn't camping, I was just waiting for sunrise.


I'd tell them I stopped to take a dump, but the ducks chased me back in the car :-)

Ducks or Sea Lions. There are millions of them in that area much of the year. Not many when I was there they are out chomping on the salmon and steelhead runs :)

and I am sure Sharks are not far behind.

Orcas. Hammerhead are about the biggest sharks in the area. Great White are really quite rare...

That is pretty awesome!