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RE: Serendipity

Arrrrghhh being put on hold. Oh wow I can relate so much with that G.! I find it unbearable and yes it is very distracting. Especially if you are having an important conversation, it completely ruins the flow. It happened to me as well. Now, with the humble wisdom I managed to gather, I would just not put up with it. In other words, it says that you are not so important as my curiosity to see what else that other person has to say. It shows a complete disregard and a lack of emotional intelligence. Now, if this would happen, I would say : our conversation ends here, I dislike being put on hold, contact me when you are prepared and willing to have a genuine conversation. I guess people do it because no one says them it is wrong and us keeping silence in a way legitimizes their gesture. I would now speak up, regardless of what the other believes. As a popular saying stated :Those who mind, don't matter and those who matter don't mind


unbearable and yes it is very distracting

It drives me bonkers. I don't mind if I'm calling a stranger but when a friend does it? Makes me want to stab them with a blunt spoon. I don't though. I just hang up. I think it shows a lack of respect. I get that sometimes important calls come in, but best to say, I'll call you back, than put someone on hold.

are not so important as my curiosity to see what else that other person has to say.


As a popular saying stated :Those who mind, don't matter and those who matter don't mind

You're a smart pants. Lol.

Also, please draw yourself, or someone else, for the #weekend-engagement topic on my post feed this week. The worse you draw the better. Get involved if you have the time and inclination. :)

Haha smart pants yess I love to wear pants. And they look smart. Hahaha. Goofy, I know what you wanted to say. I will check it out. Me drawing me? A round shape with curls stucking out of my head lol

Haha, I'm reading this thinking, she thinks I'm talking about pants? 😁

A round shape with curls sticking out of my head

Sounds about right. When you see my drawing you'll see how bad the standard is.