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@jaynie dearest, you have every conceivable reason to have been out of the loop for a while; people who have "expectations" of what other people "should" do can just practice the Royal and Ancient Art of sitting and spinning on their thumb...

As for "people," I truly never cared that much for the species, aside from a select few. One of my chief frustrations that periodically makes me want to move to St. Helena — or even Tristan da Cunha — is the proclivity of some people to live by this paradigm where being right is more important than doing right. If ya know what I mean... no matter how destructive and toxic, their way takes precedence over all else. And it gets particularly horrid when there are some kind of "hurt feelings" involved, over how something "should" have been done...

Now... where was I?

Oh, yeah... I'm onboard with the positive angle. Because — as a wise person once told me — "blowing out someone else's candle does not make YOUR burn ANY brighter!"



people who have "expectations" of what other people "should" do can just practice the Royal and Ancient Art of sitting and spinning on their thumb...

True, lol! and thank you!

As for "people," I truly never cared that much for the species

I concur!

Oh, yeah... I'm onboard with the positive angle. Because — as a wise person once told me — "blowing out someone else's candle does not make YOUR burn ANY brighter!"

You got that right!!!! And have ALWAYS been happy to have you in my "positive little corner" hehe :)
