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We (as a community) need to get our heads from up our arses if we want to grow. If we really want mass adoption we have to stop trying to make people fit in and "do it our way or take the highway" and accept and nurture people. We also have to recognise that just because we personally don't find value in content that that doesn't make it worthless. Whales need to stop hiding behind the "protecting the reward pool" bullshit (targeted downvoting is about power, not protection). I think there are whales who don't want Hive to get bigger. Mass adoption would mean they lose the "power" *and influence they have. Are we going to let them keep us in this tiny pond? Or do we have a taste for the ocean.

Lots of love and positive vibes to you @jaynie and the #powerhousecreatives.

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If we really want mass adoption we have to stop trying to make people fit in and "do it our way or take the highway" and accept and nurture people. We also have to recognise that just because we personally don't find value in content that that doesn't make it worthless.


When people no longer feel like they can express themselves openly about what they want because they get bullied into a corner, then things begin to look a lot like the rest of social media platforms....