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RE: Ten minute writing throwdown: The bump

It was pretty unnerving for me. My wife wasn't too concerned, as I said, it wasn't threatening or aggressive or anything.

We were down in Port Arthur a while back. It's an 1830's penal colony for convicts arriving in Australia from England. It is ruins now, but a very nice tourist attraction. Back in the old days it was an extremely brutal place.

Anyway, we did the night tour and whilst walking around I definitely felt a presence...It wasn't friendly though. It was oppressive, full of malice and hate. My wife felt it too. We didn't see anything, but many people do. It was very disconcerting.


My grandma says she can feel such presences. She says there's something in our house. I myself have never experienced or felt such, but I believe her. I have never had any first hand experiences and I'll be glad if it stays this way lol. My dad had an encounter a long time ago, but he says it was just hallucination.

I think many pass these things off as something other than they are. I also believe that in the past people were more attuned to these sort of things. Maybe there's too much noise, for lack of a better word, these days. I would be disinclined to believe in it if I didn't live it in person through my wife. I can only believe that this stuff is real; There's too much evidence around me to presume otherwise.

I believe it's nice to have an open mind to things, as long as it isn't clouding judgement or having negative impacts on day to day activities. Life is more fund this way!

There's no room in life for negativity, although having said that, we have all felt it at some stage. That's one of the constant's in life I think; The battle to maintain positivism, productivity and the right attitude. That battle also includes the fight against negativity.

Of course. The classic yin and yang analogy. As long as there's balance, life moves forward.