Ten minute writing throwdown: The bump

It's safe, everyone knows that. As long as the covers are pulled right up and not one single part of the body isn't covered, it's completely safe. No protruding feet, no arms dangling out and certainly covers pulled completely over one's head; If those conditions exist the monsters and other associated horrors that go bump in the night cannot possibly get us.

This is what I told myself when I was a little kid and it worked...Provided the wardrobe door was closed also of course.

Years later I found myself in a friends house, looking after it whilst she was on holiday. It was near the beach, she left me her car and I needed a break. The stars aligned...Until I heard the bump. src

There it was again.


I froze solid in the bed...I went cold I mean.


With eyes wide like saucers I initiated operation bed-covers. All appendages retracted with military-like precision within the safety of the bed-covers; This, of course, was done slowly in a bid to disturb the thing that went bump as little as possible. The operation deployed perfectly to plan but...

...You know what's worse than something that goes bump in the night? I do. It's...

Bump scrape, bump scrape...

The horror-o-meter goes off the scale at that point, especially when the sound grows gradually louder. Closer.

I was in the thick of it now, I remember thinking. I'm going to die.

My mind reverted to that of a child; I recalled all the training I had in respect of hiding under the covers. I'd excelled at it. Trust in your training, I thought to myself...Be at one with your training.

Bump scrape...

Right, this it, I'm going to die a horrible death. Why me!

My eyes opened and I blinked...It was bright. Squinting a little I raised my head to look around...Then remembered. The bump. I must have died and been transported to heaven I recall thinking.

Why is it so fucking bright in heaven, I also thought. Where's my Oakley's when I need them?

As I lay there trying to acclimatise to heaven I contemplated my demise at the hands of the monster that went bump in the night That is until my wife walked in and said good morning.

Oh god almighty, it got you too! I exclaimed.

Huh? She looked puzzled.

The monster, I replied. You know, from last night.

G-dog, are you feeling alright?

I was puzzled. Of course I wasn't alright. I was dead. But then I started to think a little more clearly. I looked around and saw open curtains, morning sun beaming in...Could I have survived the ordeal somehow? Did my training all those years ago save me?

I got up and went about my day like normal, thankful I'd survived.


There is a story behind this story.

We'd been house-sitting as I said. It was an old house, stunningly renovated. The thing is, that it had a history we were unaware of.

Later that day my wife asked if I had heard anything the previous night. I wanted to say no but knowing her like I do I told the truth.

She told me she had heard it too and that it had stopped at the door of the bedroom. She'd looked up and seen a young girl of about seven years old. She was wearing a night dress, circa 1920's style. She was standing there, watching us sleep.

I'm not comfortable with that stuff, the supernatural, but I swallowed down my horror and listened intently.

Faith told me she'd felt no malice or ill-intent. The little girl just stood there for a while and then in the morning was gone. We talked about it a bit and then I tried to put it from my mind.

Over the course of our eight day stay she was there every night, just standing there, watching.

A few weeks later we were on the phone with our friend who had returned to her house in Queensland and we'd come home to South Australia. She asked us, very tentatively, if we had seen or heard anything unusual in the house. I responded with why, unwilling to divulge anything just yet.

Our friend went on to tell us about a young girl who had lived in the house. She'd died there from pneumonia back in the twenties. She was under ten years old at the time. The family had moved on however it seems the young girl was unwilling to do so.

Of course we then told her what we had heard, and what Faith had seen, over our stay and the story unfolded from there.

My friend still lives there and every now and then something goes missing, gets moved and they occasionally still see the girl. I'll not be back.

This is not an isolated case for us. Faith seems to have some sort of ability to feel and see these events more than I. It sort of freaks me out a little, but it is what it is. Only on one occasion has she refused to enter a building, a very old one in Katoomba, New South Wales, but other than that generally it's had little impact on us. It's all a bit weird I suppose.

So, I hope you liked my little #tenminutethrowdown write up and the accompanying clarification. Now I'm keen to hear if you guys have experienced anything like this? I know some don't like to talk about it, or admit it I guess, but if you have a story please tell it below. 👇

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209


No story to tell of my own that I would want to share, but I did enjoy the one you told, and then the explanation. At first i thought it was going to be a recurring dream story, but you certainly had me til the end.


These stories are probably not something I'd share too much and, of course, there's things I haven't said. It was a bit of fun to write though and I'm glad you read it through. ✅


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Yes, a few times. Once, we were visiting a churchyard and well near Cerne Abbas in Dorset. I saw a lady in a white dress cross the way behind some trees. Very quiet and calm. I didn't say anything and then on drive home Jamie said - don't think I'm weird, but I think I saw a ghost... turned out we saw the same ghost, and we weren't the only ones.

Then there was a monk at an old monastery ruin in the Breacon Beacons.

And a bridge spirit, that was kinda scary.

But I was a bit caned...

Then there's this one, that Jamie saw, and his Dad. An interesting and famous story.


I have so many stories of this nature, all revolving around Faith. She must be attuned to it or something. The thing is though, that in all the time we were in the UK she never saw anything; Not that she told me about anyway. We both felt something but would have thought that there, with all the history, she wold have seen something.

Just on another note, I think Cerne Abbas is really cool.

Maybe you'll tell the bridge spirit story sometme?

That is freakish as hell! I'd leave the house the right next day. Not a fan of supernatural happenings, though I love watching supernatural shows! Striking contrast between reality and fantasy :D

It was pretty unnerving for me. My wife wasn't too concerned, as I said, it wasn't threatening or aggressive or anything.

We were down in Port Arthur a while back. It's an 1830's penal colony for convicts arriving in Australia from England. It is ruins now, but a very nice tourist attraction. Back in the old days it was an extremely brutal place.

Anyway, we did the night tour and whilst walking around I definitely felt a presence...It wasn't friendly though. It was oppressive, full of malice and hate. My wife felt it too. We didn't see anything, but many people do. It was very disconcerting.


My grandma says she can feel such presences. She says there's something in our house. I myself have never experienced or felt such, but I believe her. I have never had any first hand experiences and I'll be glad if it stays this way lol. My dad had an encounter a long time ago, but he says it was just hallucination.

I think many pass these things off as something other than they are. I also believe that in the past people were more attuned to these sort of things. Maybe there's too much noise, for lack of a better word, these days. I would be disinclined to believe in it if I didn't live it in person through my wife. I can only believe that this stuff is real; There's too much evidence around me to presume otherwise.

I believe it's nice to have an open mind to things, as long as it isn't clouding judgement or having negative impacts on day to day activities. Life is more fund this way!

There's no room in life for negativity, although having said that, we have all felt it at some stage. That's one of the constant's in life I think; The battle to maintain positivism, productivity and the right attitude. That battle also includes the fight against negativity.

Of course. The classic yin and yang analogy. As long as there's balance, life moves forward.

This actually made my heart pound in my chest. I’m a bit of an insomniac and typically read blog posts when I’m awake in the night. So this was quite the welcome read!

I’ve never ruled out the possibility of the supernatural in my mind, and have heard enough stories like this that it certainly seems believable to me. I had a long chat with a consignment store owner in Wisconsin who said the shop is haunted and his wife won’t be there alone because of all the activity - footsteps on the stairs and in the upstairs rooms and multiple apparitions of people in late 19th century or early 20th century period dress.

Your story is great and so well told. I love the waking to the bright light part. Very funny!

I wish this sort of thing wasn't my reality, but my wife makes it so. She's not one of those clairvoyant gypsy types, far from it; But she sees and feels things and it's undeniable. On this occasion she saw what she saw, I heard what I heard, and then our friend corroborated the story and events with no clue we'd actually experienced it.

They always say in the movies, stay away from the light, and I thought it would be a nice way to transition from asleep and hiding under the blanket to awake. I'm glad you liked that part.

P.s. Stay away from that store in Wisconsin. Just a hunch.

Bahaha my favourite sentence is the frozen solid one 🤣

On the one hand, no real need to freak about these things 🙃 on the other caution dealing with it is understandable and strongly advisable 😆

I assume you've deployed the retreat under the covers strategy at some point in your life? I'd not be here today if not for that most excellent strategy.

I think so? I seem to have a far distant memory of hiding under the covers for some reason (don't remember feeling scared, more like I just wanted to see what it was like), I have a much longer memory of hating stuff over my face/head, but closing your eyes does the same thing right XD

hiding under the covers for some reason

A ribald story here I reckon...

Yeah, in a pinch closing one's eyes is also a legitimate safety plan for keeping one safe from things that go bump in the night. I mean, you're here right? It must have worked.

haha gave me goosebumps

Lol...Get under the covers mate...It's totally safe there! 😂

I'm not particularly sensitive to things like that, but I certainly don't discount those that are. I mean how could Faith describe the child that accurately BEFORE she knew?

The traditional Navajo live in Hogans which are 5 sided huts, basically. If someone dies in the Hogan they break a hole in the wall opposite the door and abandon the place. The hole is for the spirit to escape though it often doesn't. At least so I've been told.

The fact that what she saw was confirmed by my friend, a very pragmatic woman, and her husband also, all independently sort of makes it all believable. I know what I heard too, I just didn't look. Besides, I know what Faith is like and I believe her when she tells me stuff. There's too much evidence not to.

I've always liked native Indian myth and legend. Interesting people.

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That story really creeps me out a bit - I have always had the feeling that there is more than we can explain :)

It creeps me out too, and yes, as far as I'm concerned there is more. Whilst I've fortunately not seen it myself, as far as I know, I fully believe there is.