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RE: Less Flight - More Fight!

Your reactions are justified, normal, as we all wish to protect ourselves from a repeat of unpleasantness. I have been there, and will again I'm sure. But there is more, if we care to look. If we dare to look.

I like the part about you shining some light on yourself though, refusing to stand in the shadows; It is a place people who know and love you don't feel comfortable seeing you. It takes courage and effort and can be just as frightening as the things that put you in the shadows, this I know. But when a little light is added things can look a little better.

It's like two people in a dark room...If one lights a candle some light glows around them both - If the other lights one too, off the already lit one...More light. It's that cocoon of light that begins to push shadows back.

Light candles Jaynie. Be bright, be vibrant, be you.

 3 years ago (edited) 

thank you.

Poor words from a knucklead who has been through some shadows, and will again. If the words help then they have done their job. A little support goes a long way, as does a little light and love. More should show both.

You are welcome, and thank you for a good post.