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RE: The Eighth Deadly Sin

I am very sorry. It is a scary thought to think that those who are supposed to care and protect us may be working with companies that benefit if we are sick all the time.
I have aunts and uncles who are doctors and I want to think they do and mean well for their patients, but we have found many bad doctors too.
I like the part about breast feeding. My mother says that I was a healthy child because she was able to breast feed me for a year. My little sister just got two months because my mother had to work. She has been sick all the time. Once she had one of her bones punctured for a test that was not necessary (my parents learned that months later). Now she suffers of pains in her bones.


Thank you for reading so closely.
I know that the doctors think they are doing what is best, and some of them are. Here is one recent experience of mine:
My cholesterol tested very very high. The doctor said "This HAS to be medicated." He did not ask what I ate. I said "Give me two months to change my diet and we'll see." Two months later, my cholesterol levels were all "perfect" he said. Food matters very much, but doctors do not even consider what we put into our bodies as having any effect on health. But what they tell us to put into our bodies they think do little harm. We need to take control of our own bodies back from them, and go to them only when we can't heal ourselves. They would be out of business though, because we can all heal ourselves.
I wish good health for your sister, and continued good health for you.

Thank you very much
That's a great example of doctors going the easy or lazy way.
Hope your cholesterol stays under control