My entry to the "My first ever HIVE BLOG POST challenge"

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

Mi primer post.001.png

When I saw the call for this new challenge from @janie in the #PowerHouseCreatives community on Discord, I said to myself, well, why not? It has only been a little over a year since I entered this great community that was born in the other Blockchain and that now shares with optimism and builds the future of WEB 3.0 in #hive, after a forced fork.

My first post was written in Spanish and then a days later it was transferred to English in the sixth publication, at that time I thought that this was very legal or accepted by consensus by the community. I still have my doubts, however now to avoid these dilemmas, I post bilingual, as the case may be, in Spanish and English. I have heard objections about it, about the uselessness of this practice, by having online services that do that. That opinion is respectable, but I see a drawback, although it is true that the translation algorithms are better every day, as long as the writing of the texts does not have grammar or spelling errors, it is also true that it is not perfect yet. In my case, when I write a bilingual post, I get valuable learning in both languages, in addition to confidence. That is, I improve my skills both in my native language, Spanish, and in English, as a universal language today. If you only trust artificial intelligence, you would still be receiving comments asking to clarify the idea, in short, you run the risk of losing fidelity in the translation that reaches your audience.

Returning to the issue of the challenge, rereading that first post makes me reflect on where I am now. That post was a catharsis where my life made a turning point and the closing of a stage in my life.
Here below you can see one next to the other without editing, the successes and errors were recorded for better or for worse. Personally, I am convinced that one learns more from mistakes as long as one has the humility to acknowledge them.


Posted on Aug 21, 2019

If you want to see the original post click here

Advice before a job dismissal: How to assume it with resilience

Unemployment rate.jpg
Image source: "Unemployment Rate" by Ben Taylor55 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Suddenly your stability may end without warning; the dismissal, in any of its variants, generates a sour and disturbing situation that exposes us to the uncertainty in our maintenance, affecting those who depend on us.

Resilience is a term that we hear a lot these days; It refers to the attitude of assuming traumatic events as opportunities to get the best out of us and overcome the periods of crisis we experience throughout our lives. Beyond the application of this definition of psychological court; It is important not to try to dissociate yourself from the effects of stress when you are fired, which are usually highly devastating, similar to those suffered by those who lose a loved one: you must live the duel.

Others recommend in these cases based on labor legislation; knowing that in most countries, they tend to protect workers' rights to prevent them from being unfairly violated. However, there is something that should be clear, no matter how fair or not the dismissal, it is the employer's intention: to terminate his services. Tell me. Who would be comfortable where they don't want it?

In that sense, if at any time in your life you are subject to such a situation; Make a heartless analysis of why you get fired. You will not have available a validated standard recipe book that avoids or mitigates the effects, but surely, if you will have the legal-economic framework within reach; as well as the recommendations of psychologists.

Miniatura Despido laboral Mod Eng.png

What authority would someone have to give them advice, if they had never been fired, or one who is not able to keep a job. Many will share with me after reflecting on it, that some layoffs were caused by our own attitude; in others, products of circumstances beyond our performance. In short, the effect remains the same. With this in mind, consider the following tips:

  • Know your labor rights well and prepare for any eventuality of work breakdown.
    Strive to establish a reserve fund that allows you to keep your expenses if you are fired. If possible, it is enough for ten months, while looking for a new job.
  • Have a work “B” plan based on your interests. Whoever removes, instead of being fired, it is you who quit after it.
  • In case of being fired unexpectedly and unexpectedly, face the situation with temperance, based on an assessment of the situation, act accordingly. It will be of no used to respond to the crisis without arguments or resources.
  • Act under reliable and impartial employment advice. Take care of your rights and come to fair arrangements.
  • If employers do not want you in the company; Do not insist on taking them the opposite, emotional wear is not worth it.
  • Objectively consider yourself: Who loses, who wins? Who favors the balance? If it's you, rejoice others will know how to value you better. If you are to the company, work on improving your weak points, in the end you will always win if you correct them.
  • Develop a resilient attitude and focus on the near future, leveraged on your strengths. You probably identify that this break is the result of a discrepancy between your interests and those of the company that terminates your services.
  • Remember, a job is like a cycle; where our participation has a beginning and will have an end.

You have in your hands the key of your destiny; It has talents, skills and abilities that God has given him, not be foolish, and above all, do not waste it ...

Note: Originally published in Spanish. I appreciate a lot of understanding if you find there are grammatical and semantic errors.


life planet steempress freewriter motivation

Posted on Aug 5, 2019

If you want to see the original post click here

Despido Laboral: La pérdida del empleo; desgracia o fortuna, una oportunidad para los que tienen autoconfianza

Miniatura Despido laboral Mod.png

De repente tu estabilidad puede acabar sin previo aviso; el despido laboral, en cualquiera de sus variantes, genera una situación agria y perturbadora que nos expone ante la incertidumbre en nuestra manutención, afectando a quienes dependen de nosotros.

Resilencia es un término que hemos escuchado muchísimo en estos días; se refiere a la actitud de asumir los eventos traumáticos como oportunidades para sacar lo mejor de nosotros y superar los periodos de crisis que experimentamos a lo largo de nuestras vidas. Mas allá de la aplicación de esta definición de corte psicológica; es importante, no intentar desvincularse de los efectos de estrés al ser despedidos, que suelen ser altamente devastadores, similares a los que padecen quienes pierden un ser querido: hay que vivir el duelo.

Otros recomiendan actuar con base en la legislación laboral; a sabiendas que en la mayoría de los países, estas tienden a proteger los derechos de los trabajadores para evitar que sean vulnerados injustamente. No obstante, hay algo que debe quedar claro, sin importar lo justo o no del despido, es la intención del patrono: prescindir de sus servicios. Dígame Ud. ¿Quién estaría a gusto a donde no lo quieren?

En tal sentido, si alguna vez en su vida es objeto de tal situación; haga un análisis descarnado del porqué lo despiden. No tendrá a la disposición un recetario estándar validado que evite o mitigue los efectos, pero de seguro, si contará con el marco jurídico-económico al alcance; así como también, de recomendaciones de psicólogos especializados en el tema.

Que autoridad tendría alguien para darles consejos, si nunca hubiera sido despedido, o aquel que no sea capaz de mantener un trabajo. Muchos compartirán conmigo luego de reflexionar en ello, que algunos despidos fueron provocados por nuestra propia actitud; en otros, productos de circunstancias ajenas a nuestros desempeño. En fin, el efecto sigue siendo el mismo. Con esto en mente, considere los siguientes consejos:

  • Conozca bien sus derechos laborales y prepárese ante cualquier eventualidad de ruptura.
  • Esfuércese en constituir un fondo de reserva que le permita mantener sus gastos si es despedido. De ser posible, que le baste para diez meses, mientras busca un nuevo trabajo.
  • Tenga un plan “B”, una alternativa con base en sus intereses. Quien quita, sea Ud. quien renuncie en pos del mismo.
  • Si el despedido es intempestivo e inesperado, afronte con templanza la situación, evalúe y actúe en consecuencia. De nada, le servirá responder a la crisis sin argumentos ni recursos.
  • Actúe bajo asesoramiento confiable e imparcial. Cuide sus derechos y llegue a arreglos justos.
  • Si los patrones no le quieren en la empresa; no se empeñe en llevarles la contraria, el desgaste emocional no lo vale.
  • Plantéese objetivamente: ¿Quién pierde, quién gana? A quien favorece el balance. Si es a usted, alégrese otros sabrán valorarlo mejor. Si es a la empresa, trabaje en mejorar en sus puntos débiles, al final siempre saldrá ganando si los corrige.
  • Desarrolle una actitud resilente y enfóquese en el futuro cercano, apalancado en sus fortalezas. Probablemente identifique, que esa ruptura es producto de una discrepancia entre sus intereses y los de la empresa que rescinde de la relación laboral.

Recuerde, que aunque cualquier trabajo se rige como un ciclo: no es infinito; nuestra participación tuvo un inicio y tendrá un final.

Ud. tiene en sus manos la clave de su destino; cuenta con talentos, destrezas y habilidades que Dios le ha dado, no sea necio, y sobre todo, no los desperdicie… Cerramos ciclos y abrimos otros, que serán mejores para Ud. en virtud de la actitud con que lo afronte.


perdida empleo oportunidad confianza resilencia


Now I look at those posts, not so far away, that despite not being rewarded, it was the beginning of a wonderful experience. The subject of the post, inspired by a conjunctural situation in my life, imagine, losing your job held in a mega transnational corporation at a mature age almost to retirement, and depleting your savings in a country in crisis, you would feel like I did back then, between a rock and a hard place. However, I had the opportunity to meet the #Steem community that now creates #Hive and that has made my life a stimulating challenge every day when I write, draw or play a musical instrument, no job better than being in #hive.





First of all - you MUST have been on HIVE for AT LEAST 3 MONTHS to qualify




Create a post sharing your own FIRST EVER HIVE (or Steem) POST (EXCLUDING INTRODUCTORY POSTS). You are welcome to use a format like mine - but PLEASE create your OWN HEADER DESIGN! Also - feel free to "link" it to your ACTUAL original post. (Not compulsory)

Your blog post TITLE must be:
My entry to the "My first ever HIVE BLOG POST challenge"

Be sure to include the DATE your post was published.
(Like I did above) - @peakd gives full date clarity on posts.

Include the "How to Enter" section at the end of your post so that others know how to join in and what is required.

Use the following two tags (in any order) as a part of your 8 or 10 tags: myfirsthiveblogpost and powerhousecreatives

Publish your post to the PHC community feed

Share a link to your post in the comments of THIS post.

STEP 8 (optional):
ONLY IF you are on Twitter - Share your post on Twitter using the same tags mentioned above (and the usual hive tags) and add that link in the comments of this post too.





That's a seriously good first post! Thanks for sharing it!

Thank you very much for your nice comment. Happy Weekend. Already I know, You have a superpower for transforming, every day on Weekend.

Every Crisis has its Opportunity! We must adapt and look for other alternatives @janaveda

I totally agree with you.

Thanks for stopping by.

A very professional first post! I think it is really admirable when people take the time and trouble to publish in two languages. !tip

If you are looking for a GENUINE community dedicated to embracing, encouraging, uplifting and SUPPORTING Hive content creators, then come and join us in the Power House Creatives Server We welcome ALL content genres on our community page and aim to provide our subscribers a read worthy feed. We would LOVE to meet you within our Discord server – COME JOIN US!*

Thank you very much for your kind comments @jaynie. You have us used to great ideas, and this was no exception. Remembering the first post, the beginning in the community, makes you reflect on where you are and where you want to go. We all build the future with every step we take.

Happy day.