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RE: A creepy dream about a dead loved one

I often dream of my aunt who passed away too. She often appears in my dreams when I am sad or is having problems. She's usually a few meters away and just smiles. Before she died, she also often tells me that she dreams of my grandma and other loved ones who passed away too. By the time she got really sick, my grandma often visits her in her dreams. Sometimes she often confused dreams with reality because they seem so real. My mom also experiences the same.

I always believe in the supernatural world. I think your grandma is trying to comfort you. Sending you hugs! Hope you feel better soon.


I've heard of these kinda stories from the old ones too and it seems like it has been around since humans have been around. I don't fully believe in the supernatural world yet but the world is so big and there's so many unknown things. If that is true and my grandma appeared in some of my dreams then I won't be surprised she would comfort me. Thank you! Hope you're well too :D