My Timeless TOP 5 Playlist!

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE3 years ago

My Timeless TOP 5 playlist! 1.png

This post marks my first personal contribution to my THE WEEKLY post suggestions for the Lifestyle Lounge. It was about music, lol... what can I say, I could not help myself. I literally have a constant backing track to my life - does not matter what I am doing or where I am... there is ALWAYS music! Some tracks come and go, and some will forever put a smile on my face - but there are a select few which have been on my playlist for as long as I can remember and they hold a particularly special place in my heart. These... are the Timeless Top 5 on my playlist, in no particular order. Oh, and I have a preeeeeeetty eclectic taste in music, so this is not going to be a streamline selection in ANY way, shape or form. Just so you know...

Time of My life

"Nobody puts baby in a corner"... hehehehe!!! The 80's movie "Dirty Dancing" was, is and will forever be my FAVOURITE movie of all time!!!! There really is NOT a track from this movie which I do not love, but THIS one gives me ALL the goosies!!!! And hey, with Patrick Swayze on board - what was to complain about hey? I have watched the movie more times than I care to admit, bought the VHS back in the day lol, the DVD when those became available and... ya!

Simply The Best

Much of my music passion stems from my mom. Music was a great passion of hers too and she introduced me to so MUCH, which is why I have the eclectic taste I do. This song speaks DEEPLY to me, not only because of the power the song itself holds, but because I know how much it meant to my mom. To me, it is one of those tunes that will never get old and whenever it IS played, it is ALWAYS on FULL VOLUME!!!!!

Sit Down

I was introduced to this band in my teens, by my best friends boyfriend. It was a difficult time in my life. A time when I behaved carelessly and threw complete caution to the wind. I did many things I should not have. I was sixteen and already in a massively abusive relationship compliments of drugs. All I really wanted was to feel loved and to feel happy. I sought it in all the wrong places. This song penetrates my core. It has since the time I heard it for the very first time, and it still does.


This one takes me back to my LSD and Ecstasy induced years. A period of my life which will never leave me, because I learned a lot during that time.Those who have never done drugs will not know the levels of consciousness which you are thrown into. Those who have - will! This part of my life is probably the most poignant. It was a mind expanding but VERY dark time, because I was trying to escape my actual reality. The things I exposed myself to I can never take back but through it all, it is a PIVOTAL part of who I am today, why I feel energy to the degree I do and why I am open and receptive to most things.

This is the New Shit

I am a HUUUUGE Manson fan - always have been - always will be. This is not a particularly old track of his - I have enjoyed many of those on plenty a dance floor... but I love the honesty of this one. It speaks to my Gemini twin lol.

As someone who listens to and LOVES a LOT of music... I have to say - despite that it was my own suggestion... it was not an easy list to downscale. lol There are SOOOOOOO many songs and artists I love. but yeah.... These ones are "right up there" for me.

What are yours?!


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx






From very mainstream to extreme. I too love Delirium but not that particular mix. How many mixes of that song are there... a lot. The drugs.. oh yes.., it was a time and a place.

I always preferred the original version..., the others had 'things missing'...

aaah yes, I LOVE the original too. There really ARE so many versions of this song and I love them ALL -for whatever reason, the one I shared, speaks loudly to me... must have been the EXTRA drugs lol! Love that you stopped by x

Oh... and I did mention "eclectic" LOL :D

it very rare for me listen to music . so am thinking.. songs no but groups yes. Muddle of Pud. Oasis Sound Garden and could go on but keeping this short . I heard many times . the top choice of your list. 2nd one down and after that have no idea. so much music in world. and life is precious

Always fascinating to hear what other people appreciate. I am sure you can single out five songs and write about them ;)

it take me while. but am sure there on playlist on youtube.

no rush :)