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RE: Missing In Action

Our Millipedes are very small and I know them only in black. The Centipedes are bigger and orange. I like the Millipedes but wouldn't touch the others because it says they bite or sting. The ones you have are much more scary, of course 😱 you would probably only smile if you'd see ours 😉

Enjoy your !BEER in the evening and have a great weekend too 🌞



All get air freighted out of the house so as not to harm them, slithering or otherwise. Big world outdoors no sharing my space if I can help it.

Definitely no disruptions when settling down to a !BEER from creepy crawlies indoors 😄

"Air freight" ... a little movie was playing in my head when I read these words - I like that 🤣
Wish you a wonderful week Joan 😊🌞

Cheers and !BEER

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