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Yes, COVID-19 has affected everyone. And while you can say to others why aren't you wearing protective equipment, they will react negatively. I agree with that. It's your own opinion that count. No one else knows what you do inside your own home. It's none of their business. People work in different ways. Some need the interaction of others so they can see they are "busy" when they walk by your office.

Still others don't need that attention. I frequently worked at home when I was still on my job. Or I'd go in on the weekends when it was quiet. Got a heck of a lot more done too without the constant interruptions or wanting to chat.

Thanks for the shout out for my post. I appreciate it inspired you. People have to do what they feel is best for them in how they see and respond to the world.

You and family are all that matters. With that, I'll leave you with:

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When I say I wear a mask for them, they say i am crazy. I hate being afraid to catch something when I go out after I keep to the rules and dont get me wrong I also think its hard and difficult but i make decisions