
source link is below in the blog

The corona times in which our whole planet lives today in general is not the most pleasant time of the year ( and please don’t sing that song ! ) and not the most rememberable time of our lives. We see far fewer people than usual, we lack fysical contact, we hunger for skin touching and kissing our loved ones, we have compliance or non-compliance with the corona rules life is so different, and it even tears apart families and groups of friends. How do you deal with it when the neighbor does not want to keep a distance or when good friends do not want to meet? And how do you prevent arguments? In many families it is a hot topic: how do we deal with the corona rules? Everyone knows the examples of family members who are not so concerned with the distance or the people who stop their social life and cancel appointments. And now when the kids are home, how do we homeschool and how do we balance all that’s needed to live life like we we used to do it. And work, is so different aswell, I like my home office but miss my collegues. And well I have so many brainwaves and see a new blog while reading another.

I read the blog by @justclickindiva today ( here is the link : and I got the idea. And that made me think to do this blog, just because I think there are more people that experiencing this in these new age of covid days. We are in lockdown since Monday in the Netherlands and that’s a challenge for many so close to Christmas.

The new “staying at home” is a strain or can be a strain on people. But also in discussions obeying the strickt new rules can lead to tension when someone has a completely different opinion about corona than you have yourself. That's because people look around to see what the norm is. And we want to be part of that because we have learned that from evolution. People look to others to see what is intended. Especially since we all have no experience with this situation. But the norm fro your neighbour is soooo different from yours ( read me and my neighbours ) And that is why it can also cause tension in families and groups of friends, because you just don’t agree.

I had a discussion today with a collegue, and we are not in the office every day but some days ( not many ) you have to be there. But she said : ARE DOING ENOUGH?

Are you doing enough a day? Are you doi0ng the job like you were in the office?..... than me: What do you mean are you Doing enough? Well she had her doubts that I do enough while I work at home with three kids home, home schooling and studying ( that one doesn’t need help, but a dorm is not covid proof and mum’s world is. ) I was flabbergasted and a bit annoyed. But it took me some seconds to let my blood run back to my face and to sharpen my voice to answer.
I do what is asked of me and I do what is needed, and I don’t let that be the way I do my work. But did she ask me because she really thinks that and sees I do less, OR is it her home situation with two kids and the fact that she is slacking ( and I understand that , it was not a negative thought ) did she project her situation and fears on me and her insecurity about the work she gets done a day once. Does she compare, and is she jealous? All kinds of thoughts where I need to deal with and where I didn’t give a answer on yet. Don’t get me wrong I get the work from the jobdone and I do help with the homeschool, so when work has been second base I work at night or I start early like I have beendoing last weeks just to s]be able to do all. And as long as I don’t have a negative managers Mail, I will do it like I have been doing last months. And I do Hive also. But that is not something my collegues need to know.

I was put on the spot and a bit dissapointed but that was not for to long. You always have to be responsible and confident of all you do in life and so also for your job.

For people who are close to you or someone who is exactly the opposite of you and has different views or het things done in a way that is not your way or that is a way you do not know about, that is confusing and can cause conflict and short circuits. Even amongs collegues, I experienced today. Because you want to follow the standard that is customary at that time, but whether or not you follow the measures is also part of your identity. Normally it does not necessarily cause a fight. If you always wear a mouth mask and someone else doesn't and you address that person to that, they experience it as if you were saying something about who they are. That happened when wearing a mask became a must and law in our country as from the 1st of December.

When you see someone bare without a mask while all other are wearing one and if you say you think that is stupid and irresponsible, they are more likely to dig in than agree with you. And vice versa, it works exactly the same. They then feel attacked in who they are, because our views on these measures feel part of our identity. I found it a lack of obeying the law and was annoyed a lot last weeks. And with that the new mentality that it is therefore better to keep it to yourself. Don't attack others on their opinion, but tell them why you think it is important to follow the rules or not. Well I lost it some days aswell cause people just didn’t want to see that.

With Christmas coming a party with more than 3 people from outside your home is not done and cannot take place. Well that was surprising , and when I informed amongst collegues, family and friends most had more people on the invited list. That is of course annoying. But I get a rash, red spots and the urge to scream load, very loud! Let me tell you that is not very pleasant. But I am not in the majority so I stay quiet, and take masures.

We obey the corona rules tightly, while we are in the lockdown. Ofcourse before the lockdown I was able to go to the shops at distance and to go to the city. But we have had almost no visitors since March, we no longer visit birthdays and the social outings have been kept to a minimum. And all that we attended (3) since March were work musts. And despite the fact that people all have a strong opinion about corona, there is no one who makes it difficult for us. They understand that we take as little risk as possible. Because of our parents and because we have to work and stay safe.


I miss the nice laugh while people tell eachother their values, these days all have a short wire and take all very very personally. Our king went to yellow Greece last lockdown, eventhough the protocol by out prime minister said to limit travelling to only what is needed. He came back after the nation thought it was disrespectful to all the Dutch. So we all make mistakes these time are trying and new. Don’t only judge, be compassions and understanding, eventhough it’s hard, we can beat this :ONE DAY SOON I PROMISE ! Oh and when you see people in the street say HELLO or GOODDAY make the world nice in these difficult holiday days, it’s free and very much appreciated. And possibly you get a smile back or a HELLO or GOODDAY back.

Being prepared is also having made mouth pieces for the family and buying washable ones too. But apart from the fact the facial expression is totally gone I also don’t like that the rare smiles we do have we just don’t see. So I also ordered these, but the fact they aren’t allowed apparently I wear them where I can outsid when I have to cross where other people are. I also wrote about the mask rashes and the fact that the masks are worn not right and the fact we need to wask]h them more often and they can be worn 3 hours max.


It is like putting on glasses and you can wash them and the expression of the faces are visible. I heard this is also used for people that are deaf to see the lips of others to lipread.





I know we as a nation and people of this amazing yet delicate globe all suffer from the consequences and the hurt Covid or as we say corona is giving us. The fact we all are victims one way or another is bad and as with me I hope all will be safe again soon and that the cure is there for those that needed most. Don’t point a finger try to stay calm and help out. I am doing groceries shopping for a my parents and a mother from school with 4 kids in quarantine at home because one child tested positive, it’s the least I can do! And I do groceries anyway for our family so why not combine.

I am at home now writing this blog and I told the story of the colleague to hubby. He reacted that I need to be wiser than that collegue, we are all tired of the rules and regulations to rise abovethis covid crisis. We all want the normal back, but we don’t know if that normal will ever return.

For now I will leave you with a ball of course, because these dog eyes from our sweet Joey make all great again.


Today this is my #thoughtfuldailypost and it’s not just

thoughtful I hope it makes people thoughtful and thinking off.
You can also call it a rant, and a rant can become a blog, and that blog makes you engaging here on the blockchain. And engagement these days when price is low is also building your account, something a lot of people don’t get and forget in trying times with low prices. But believe me make a blog, publish and reply to the accounts that leave you a commmet. Comment strings are fun and engaging so I want to wish you well with engagement for the last 13 days untill the end of the year. Let me know when you need help or have a rant aswell I will reply ......

Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated and remember focus on being creative instead of being bee-zy.

Remember we are only one comment away from eachother.

Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results.
Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer.

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

I am a proud member off the #theTerminal #powerhousecreatives @ladiesofhive.
Co founder for @theterminal, @heyhaveyamet and @steem-aide

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals. Sources used : Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone.


I would like to thank you for reading my blog, feel free to leave me any feedback, if not, read you next time.



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Blog Date : 17 december 2020


Hey there! I truly hope the effect of covid has had on you and your family has been minimal and you keep on thriving and shining!

It is unbelievable the amount of people who still think that wearing a mask is against their liberties. It is truly awful to see the amount of people being opposed the vaccine even before it has been properly being distributed. Pardon my negativity, but I am being hopeful that people opposing the masks and vaccine are being removed from the gene-pool by the selection of the virus itself. I wonder if those people thinking it is unlawful to enforce wearing a mask indoors or keeping a 2-metre distance from people would still be so determined to forget their responsibilities and remember their rights, if they had been affected by the covid as some people have?! It triggers me, it triggers me a lot, because covid has taken a lot from me, it has been 11 months since I have been 'locked out' of home and having to figure out 'the new normal'. The true problem with the western society is concentrating on rights and forgetting the responsibilities, however you cannot have one without the other.

I wish all the best and strength to everyone struggling one way or another due to the stupidity of some and due to the virus itself. One day the sun will shine upon us once again!

Hi old friend amen to that, how are you and your loved ones, coping a bit with the covid rules? It is indeed a difficult time and we all suffer one way or the other, but we also respond different to situations these days and that is a source of annoyment. I hope we have a vaccination for everybody and we can be safe without fear.

Great to see you here and i never forgot snapfeed

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 36 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

My family agreed last March to make getting out of 2020 alive our family goal. Each person was responsible for doing whatever it takes to stay safe. And so far it has worked! We stay in close contact virtually.
But then along comes an ex wife who is taking my teenage grandkids to the Dominican Republic for the holidays. One of the kids is diabetic. I only hope they all stay safe. Like you noted, everyone is dealing with this differently!

I love the goal, it's such a strange time with keeping safe and the danger of not knowing. It seems a lot of people have a shorter wire than normal just stay nice and hope all will be safe soon

Yes, COVID-19 has affected everyone. And while you can say to others why aren't you wearing protective equipment, they will react negatively. I agree with that. It's your own opinion that count. No one else knows what you do inside your own home. It's none of their business. People work in different ways. Some need the interaction of others so they can see they are "busy" when they walk by your office.

Still others don't need that attention. I frequently worked at home when I was still on my job. Or I'd go in on the weekends when it was quiet. Got a heck of a lot more done too without the constant interruptions or wanting to chat.

Thanks for the shout out for my post. I appreciate it inspired you. People have to do what they feel is best for them in how they see and respond to the world.

You and family are all that matters. With that, I'll leave you with:

Copy of Copy of PIFCJustClickindivaLogo2.png

When I say I wear a mask for them, they say i am crazy. I hate being afraid to catch something when I go out after I keep to the rules and dont get me wrong I also think its hard and difficult but i make decisions

As a family we only go out when absolutely necessary, food stores once a week, and park for dogs to walk. When shopping I wear disposable gloves as well since I did get a very nasty bug attack just last year,

From the minute we leave the house each wears a mask, this has been our law since start of Covid in March. We do not wear them in the home or garden it is not necessary, we do adhere to distancing wherever possible.

Avoidance is better than cure, I do not know anyone who has got ill, nor succumbed to this, some days feel very conflicted/surreal since although we are able to adhere to ruling, many under-privileged simply cannot.

Working from home cannot be easy, especially for those with young families relying on parental support for education, day to day needs and attention. People are edgy/lost at the moment, ignore comments, or ask them exactly what they mean, perhaps they feel they are no coping, indirectly asking/seeking assistance.

Keep your routine, challenging, questioning and looking out for your family @brittandjosie we can only do what we feel is best within our own homes.

And now with the new covis variant from England the rules are even getting more difficult here, the world is on fire, keep safe and have a grea christmas week

England and South Africa have a similar variant come to light with covid, more infectious let us hope people start to listen! Have a wonderful week as well.

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