
Parallel paths can be good, but a path is a path and if upon one a person must move forward...The alternatives are limiting.

I Want to HELP.!!

but feel helpless and lost here.

When Cancer finally consumed Kel's Mother. She was wrecked, shattered, a shell of what She was. I was lost and nearly walked away. 3 months after, enter the kitten named Sammi Jo...

You know the story.

A1 Sammi's First Photos 9-2010.jpg

Samantha gave us common ground. A starting point, (restart)

Finally we could hang out and be friends again. The pain of loss, tension and anger was pushed aside. We survived what destroys our loved ones physically, and what many times destroys those closest to them. Emotionally, spiritually, etc.

I wish there were something I could do or say to fix whats broken with You. Remember, I read between the lines.

Kelly & Sammi Jo 1010.jpg

2010 was @pooky-jax and @krazzytrukker 's toughest year. Thanks to a simple kitten, born on or near Kel's Mothers birthday, Everything changed, we ended the year stronger, closer, and I want the same for You this year.

I'm all good bro, nothing can keep the old G-dog down. Nothing.

Well, if durian or balut gets anywhere near me I will die, but other than that, nothing. Tough as old nails mate.

I was like WTF is this madman talking about..?


Now I remember... presearched it.


It's all coming back to you in a stream of vomit.