#FoodEngineering Tag - What do I eat when I'm eating...? / ¿Qué como cuando estoy comiendo...? 🍕❤

When I opened this blog, the first thing I said I was going to do was share information about the world of food technology, which is one of the things I like the most. It is what I studied until I achieved my degree in Food Engineering ❤.

Cuando abrí este blog lo primero que dije que iba a hacer era compartir información sobre el mundo de la tecnología de los alimentos que es una de las cosas que más me gustan. Es lo que estudié hasta alcanzar el título de Ingeniera en Alimentos ❤.


However, this was the least I did here 😂. At first I only made a post talking about "mate" (popular infusion un Argentina) and then I never wrote another similar post again. As the months went by, I became more involved in sewing and started making posts about it. Then I wrote about my travels, I made blogging challenges every day, contests, initiatives of different kinds... All things that deviated me from my initial goal but that I still enjoy doing very much.

Sin embargo, esto fue lo que menos hice aquí 😂. Al principio solo hice un post hablando del mate (infusión popular en Argentina) y después nunca más volví a escribir otro post parecido. Al pasar los meses me fuí involucrando más en la costura y comencé a hacer posts sobre eso. Luego escribí sobre mis viajes, me comprometí a hacer desafíos de bloggear todos los días, concursos, iniciativas de distintos tipos... Todas cosas que me desviaron de mi objetivo inicial pero que igualmente disfruto mucho haciendo.


That is why now, to return to my main goal, I decided to open a section on my blog titled "What do I eat when I'm eating ...?" where weekly I want to share with you an article about a certain food in wich I will explain in simple and deadly words what it's composed of and what its production process is like in easy terms.

Es por eso que ahora, para retomar mi objetivo principal, decidí abrir una sección en mi blog que titulé "¿Qué como cuando estoy comiendo...?" en donde semanalmente quiero compartir con ustedes un artículo sobre algún alimento en particular en el cual explique en palabras simples y mortales de qué esta compuesto y como es, a grandes rasgos, su proceso productivo 😊.


I think this will be interesting to know what is behind the food we eat every day. In addition, scientific popularization is always important because knowledge is never too much. Lastly, being a personal and weekly challenge, it further increases my engagement on the blockchain by generating content ❤.

Pienso que esto resultará interesante para saber que hay detrás de los alimentos que consumimos a diario. Además, siempre es importante la divulgación científica porque el saber nunca está de más. Por último, al ser un desafío personal y semanal, aumenta aún más mi compromiso en la cadena de bloques generando contenido ❤.


❤ Hope you like this idea ❤
Espero que les guste esta idea

Thanks for reading. / Gracias por leer.


With love. / Con amor.
Lau ❤.

(All the images are my property. / Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad).


I must say you have a beautiful smile from looking at your header picture. Moreover its good that you have opened a session where you would love to write more about food engineering.

Okay, come over to discord let's chat, wanna tell you something.

Thank you very much Emmanuel ❤. I hope you like this section on muy blog 💕💕💕

Love this idea!

I think it is a SUPER idea to get back to your original intentions of blog content. I am sure you will find it comes a lot more naturally to you as well. I also think this kind of thing will be a super fit for the Lifestyle Lounge community, so am really looking forward to seeing more from you here.


Thank you very much ❤❤ Glad you like the idea. For me it will also be a pleasure to write a little about what I like 🌸.

I am sure! Being true to ourselves is normally a good ingredient to the recipe of life :)

¡Excelente! No he visto ese tipo de contenido aquí en Hive

Gracias ❤ Me alegra ser pionera jajaja.