White for emptiness

This is about a quick brainstorming and editing of an idea of emptiness with the help of photography. My aim was to think about the colors, the meanings that I associate with them. Then the goal is to pick one of them and try to find out the feelings I attach to it. I was not looking for universal definitions, just trying to be subjective.

So, after some thought, I picked white. The mother of all the rest. Next thing is to dig out my subconscious attachments by conscious effort. Looking around for objects in white. There there is a white A4 laying on top of my printer. It is the perfect connotation for emptiness. If there is a paper, I thought there should be a pencil at least. After some trying the below composition came up.

emptiness  white color  600x451.jpg

There is a hand holding a pencil and writes. Writes? Or about to write? Or struggling to write? Hold on... Even if it writes, the pencil is white. So what is the purpose of leaving white marks on a white paper?

White color could be the sign of purity, innocence, spirituality, softness, perfection etc... But there is also one more meaning that I attach. It is emptiness. Like void or null.

So this is about an empty mind, has nothing to say. Stuck. Not like being absent-minded more to become halted. Can not find words to speak. At least my aim in this shot was it.

On the other hand what if the mind is full but the words are too frail? The writings can not be seen by the crowds?

Then there is also the possibility that the story is already written. Now the pencil is about to put the dot. What story is it? Somebody else's, a stranger to us. Unknown to us, no memory of whom.

Ok, I wanted to close the post here, but I couldn't do it before saying the below.

What about the big "fill in the blank" side of the LIFE? Emotional, physical, intellectual, social, spiritual, etc... May be all kinds of needs and wishes are kind of a blank. We try to fill in the blanks, but in reality, it is not a blank at all. Maybe the will and the desire, vanish after the eventuality.

I stop now. 🙂 Long live abstraction...

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Deep 😊😊

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Just some thoughts and feelings, thanx 🙂