MY BIGGEST WISH / Hive Creative Contest | MY Bucket List

Hello, hello, I hope you are well, today we continue to support the great ideas of @zord189, this week the theme for the contest was: Bucket list.

I must be honest and express that since I became a mother, my priority and greatest wish is that my daughter be happy and healthy. But I will share the 5 things I most desire at this moment in my life.

My Bucket List

1- My first wish as I told you at the beginning is that my daughter be happy, always healthy, and that God give me life and health to see her grow and support her in her good and not so good moments.

2- The second on my list, I want my country Venezuela to return to being the country that it was 20 years ago, that we once again have quality of life, that there be justice, and equality for all its inhabitants, and that they do not have to separate but so many families.


3- I wish that all my family that is in other countries, sister, nephews, cousins, best friends, can return soon and we have the best meeting of all time, we meet again and be able to hug them. Enjoying their company would be a beautiful gift.

4- I wish that this and all the viruses that have killed so many people disappear, that we return to the normality of our lives, that we can greet each other as before with kisses and hugs, and that we can go out to enjoy a good day at the beach in the company of our friends. loved ones.


5- I wish to be able to travel again like I did some years ago, specifically to Europe, Italy and to know so many places that I missed the last time I traveled, that this is a tourist trip and not a trip to leave my roots behind and start from scratch in other site.