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RE: Missing In Action

Beautiful your publication, I love your photographs and the analogy you make with the day to day. The centipede left me speechless, I am somewhat afraid of it, one day I was bitten by one in bed and it was not a pleasant experience I assure you hahaha. However, this one is a beauty and believe me I understand when you prefer to be distracted in the garden and not spend the day on the computer. Everything has its time, and sometimes the time of day is not enough for everything we want to do, even in quarantine (it happens to me). I leave you a hug and my love from here, my dear, it is always a great pleasure to enjoy your lines and your photographs.@joanstewart


Never enough time in a day to do what we must, normally lean toward doing what we feel like! Thanks for lovely visiting and comment @marybellrg, yes we tend to lose time during this pandemic which I have now given up on it appears it is here to stay!