Schinkenfleckerl - Austrian Dish Series # 2 (My Version)

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago

Schinkenfleckerl With Crispy Onion Rings

Schinkenfleckerl is a combination of two words which means Schinken (Ham) + Fleckerl (dialect for a type of noodle shown below). This is one of the easiest Austrian foods and has many versions. This is well liked mostly by kids when it´s oven-baked because of the added crispy cheese. It´s yummy, promised.

Some versions call for sour cream or whipping cream but I decided to make it simple and sort of stir-fry or cook this in a pan. The dish is not limited to this type of noodle , one can also use any other type, just make sure the noodles are cooked al dente (soft but firm).


Fleckerl Noodles


So before anything else.... below is the recipe



4 cups Fleckerl Noodles
400 grams Ham, cubed
3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 red onions, sliced into cubes
2 white onion...cut into rings for the toppings
Flour to coat the onion rings
cooking oil to deep fry the flour coated onion rings
olive oil
ground black pepper


How to make the Crispy Onion Rings...

Before cooking, make the crispy onions first... here´s how to do it.
In a deeper casserole, heat enough cooking oil for deep-frying. Meanwhile, remove the onion skin, slice the onions into rings, add a bit of salt and mix carefully so salt could soak in.. separate the slices one by one, coat with flour. Deep fry in oil, reduce the heat to moderate, stir-fry until onions become golden brown in color. It takes about 2 minutes. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel to absorb the oil and set aside for later use.

Cooking the Fleckerl...

1... Boil the noodles according to the manufacturer´s instruction. Normally is is soft when cooked for about 3 minutes. Transfer to a colander to drain the water, add a teaspoon butter, 1/2 teaspoon salt, mixed while noodles are still hot and butter is melted, set aside.
2... In a hot pan with 2 tablespoons olive oil, fry the garlic until golden brown in color, add the onions and the cubed ham. Stir-fry.
3...Continue stir-frying ´til the onions become soft and the ham becomes golden brown in color.
4...Add the Fleckerl noodles, stir carefully until all ingredients are mixed together.
Spice with salt and pepper according to your taste. Transfer to a deeper bowl and top with crispy fried onions.
Serve this with Green Salad with vinaigrette.





Happy Cooking!


Stay safe everyone!

GIF by Gremayo.gif

All images were taken and text originally written by @mers.


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