Best Teacher in Our Days

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

A teacher influences by example

The one who influenced my life the most as a child is Pete Seeger. For his Civil Rights involvement Pete was charged with "un-American activities" through a committee lead by the John Birch Society. Pete was cited with contempt along with Otto Nathan and Arthur Miller the playwright. he song he was convicted before Congress for was "Wasn't that a time." He was arrested and put in jail for singing this song.

A teacher stands by what is right

During the 60s and 70s Pete was being investigated by the CIA so he could no longer perform Civil Rights songs or produce the kind of music he did with the Weavers.

At that time he wrote kids music. The CIA didn't see anything wrong with that. But that is the kind of music that got stuck in my head as a kid in the 70s.

A teacher plants hope in the next generation

He was now reaching the future generations and with such power. Pete's music was not about himself but was about you the audience. Pete's voice wasn't strong. He would get the audience to sing and as they sang the song would come from them. This was a movement in song.

Pete was one of the most oppressed musicians in the 20th century. During this oppression he focused on kid's music and the effect on the generation was the opposite of what the government wanted. Children who grew up listening to Pete began to think and question.

The greatest teachers held one person as most important

Teaching is not about preparing cool videos and materials for kids to use easily. Teaching is your live. The greatest teacher spent most of his time with only a handful of students teaching them through his influence and a few short stories that had a clear point. When they were ready he sent them out to do the same and teach others. The whole world was shaken up by that teacher two thousand years ago.

Today I have seen few teachers come close who actually gave their lives for the message and served the ones he taught. I'm not sure what Pete Seeger believed about the greatest teacher but whether intentionally or not his life was in step.

What can teachers do today?

What can I say and do as a teacher today in 2020? Don't be afraid of anything. Learn who you are and what you care about and don't let anyone take that away. Help your students to realize who they are and how to think and question. Do things a little different. Don't make it hard on students but help them to enjoy the discover of education until they can realize the truth with their own eyes.

Continue to enjoy teaching

I am learning everyday and I'm making progress with live worksheets. I learned to embed sound into the worksheet so students can do listening. There is no limit to these worksheets. I can also embed youtube videos and make the student's learning process interactive. I have always had problems with education, but teaching I truly enjoy.


The moment Freedom reigned

Just before I go, I wanted to share a more recent video of Pete before he passed away. This video is the inauguration ceremony in 2009. If even for a few moments the first amendment was held on high and it wasn't about the singer or the president, it was about America and the people who loved this country and loved one another.

No body living can ever stop me from walking that freedom highway.


I recommend this book Who Was Pete Seeger for anyone who wants to teach their children about Pete Seeger and the PBS documentary the Power of Song can be found on youtube.


Teachers truly do have the power to make or break us. Cannot say there were many in my life that did much to nurture confidence. !tip

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There are very few and some are not teachers by profession. Some are neighbors or singers for children (like Pete) or even a bus driver or janitor. It's the influence that rubs off on the kids more than anything else.

So very true... being mother to an "almost" 11 year old boy... I am witness to this daily! :)

♥ That's about Bart Simpson's age. My youngest is ten years old. You are the best teacher.

Thanks for sharing about Pete! I hadn't heard of him or known of his plight. I appreciate a good teacher of what is free and right! I had one in school that taught me about photojournalism and journalism in general. I highly valued what he taught me in the ways of wisdom. Of course, i believe in the Great Teacher... but most won't understand that. Here is a song that Pete mad me think of. I hope you enjoy it!

Love the spirit and the banjo with the much appreciated base added here. Classic archetypal bluegrass hymn that will move my heart every time I hear it. Reminds me much of Martin Luther:

Oh, to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be
Let that goodness like a fetter
Bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above

I'm glad you got the chance to meet a teacher who lived by what they taught. I am lacking in every way as a teacher but by that grace I stand.

When I look into the eyes of these children in masks I am overwhelmed of the responsibility I hold.

I am sure you will handle your stewardship well! He didn't bring you this far... to only bring you this far! Keep on Keepin' On brother! I am sure you are not as lacking as it may feel at times! All things are possible to them that believe! One day outside of time it will be revealed to you the impact He had you make! Love you man.

Yes! Thank you so much. Everything has a proper time. Patience and hope are key.

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What a nice voice and nice post 🌼

Thanks @opidia. Nice to meet you. I love listening to French, but I don't understand much.

French is nice in poetry , it doesnt matter you dont understand as long as you enjoy the vibes 🙂


What a great post!! I had no idea. Thank You for sharing this!!

Thanks @snook. He was one of the most influential musicians of my childhood and taught to do what is right even if it hurts.

taught to do what is right even if it hurts.

How I live my life too. A very wise man.

Thank you again for sharing his story!

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It's good that you are looking for ways to make your classes more interesting and keep the student's attention and meanwhile they are learning! :) I don't know the song that got Pete Seeger in trouble, but I have always loved "This land is your land". Thank you for posting the youtube video of it. I wish everyone in the USA would sing this song once a week and really think about the words. It's very interesting that you were influenced by Pete Seeger. My favorite teachers were my 1st grade and 5th grade teachers. They were very caring.

Thank you,

I'm glad your teachers were very caring. There are so many wonderful teachers today. When I look back the classroom teachers had a lot of responsibility, but personally I remember learning from others like the librarian, the janitor, the lunch lady, the nurse, the bus driver. These were my first pictures of adults outside of the family. And yeah, going to the Pete Seeger concert also changed the way I thought about adults.

As for the full time teachers, the one who stands out the most is my third grade teacher. She came from Ireland and wasn't afraid of anyone poking fun of her for being overweight or speaking with an accent. She encouraged me to write a letter to a singer I liked. Actually I wrote the letter to John Denver with a little picture of him playing guitar by the rocky mountains.

He sent a reply right away and said thank you for the picture and asked, "How did you know I liked mountains so much?" The thing I didn't like about that teacher is she kept the picture he sent and the letter and I never saw it again. Maybe I would have lost the letter like I lost other stuff, but at least I could say I was the one who lost it.

Oh my goodness @mineopoly! I wish you had the letter and picture! The teacher really should have given it to you! Guess what? John Denver was one of my favorite singers when I was growing up! I had his record albums and cassette tapes and later DVDs! Now I have a couple of his albums on my iPhone music! Hope you have a good week!