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RE: How Much Do You Read? - All Night Sessions

I've noticed the same trend in myself in my reading veering away from novels to more internet based. Hubby and I always imagined ourselves surrounded by bookshelves in our retirement, but it's been replaced with YouTube and Minecraft for hubby and Hive and informational blogs for me.

I'm eyeing up your list of fantasy novels with interest now, though. The Narnia series was, of course, a must for every generation. I read them to my girls too. I loved the Anne McCaffrey dragons of Pern series, growing up. Hubby and I used to devour the Anne Rice vampire chronicles. Then for a younger audience which adults can still enjoy there's Garth Nix. I rad his Keys to the Kingdom series to my girls, which was enjoyable, but not quite as good as his Abhorsen series (also read too my daughters).

Hubby liked horror, so we read James Herbert and Shaun Hutson.


I remember Ann McCaffrey and Ann Rice, but never heard of Garth Nix. The horror authors sound familiar, especially Herbert. I'll have to check those out as well.

Another one I devoured was the Gord the Rogue series by Gary Gygax. Novels by one of the head creators of D&D and AD&D are rather.....creative! 🙂👍

Garth Nix is a fairly new author, I'm pretty sure he wasn't around when I was growing up. He also targets an adolescent audience, so that could be why you've not come across him. I'd still recommended the Old Kingdom/Abhorsen series for adults if you like fantasy. I've hung onto that series.