How Much Do You Read? - All Night Sessions


Though I still very much enjoy reading, I spend way less time these days on novels. That wasn't always the case. These days it's blog articles or news I read. Shows or movies steal the little attention I have for that sort of entertainment.

I have been known to get caught up in a dumb mobile game from time to time, usually out of complete boredom. Reading a novel would be a much better way to spend that time. Novels used to fill up my days and I'm not sure why they lost their appeal to me.

Do You Remember Your First Read?

I'm not talking about a book you had to read for school. No, a real read as in one you chose and had trouble putting down. A book whose words immediately grabbed your attention and wouldn't let go.

Can you recall? I can.


My first read was a well known series by C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles Of Narnia. Once into the first pages of The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe, there was no putting down the book.

I layer on the couch in my father's office reading....all night long. Sometime after the sun came up I finished that book and started the next one. Prince Caspian and his ocean voyage were soon to fill up my imagination.

I Read All Through Middle School

Middle school was the time kids were figuring what clothes to wear and how to style their hair. Which group of kids to 'hang' with was a major concern for many of my peers. I didn't care for those changes one bit.


How did I handle it?

I was a loner for sure, but smart enough to know I needed a cover to explain my isolation. Reading worked like a charm. Teachers would approach me and pester me about not hanging out with any of the other kids.

My response? I would rather read than join the cliches. Was my homework all done? Here's another question teachers would bring up but I was well prepared. I'd do advance homework just so I could read uninterrupted.

It Was A Fantasy World Full Of Magic

Most of what I read growing up was classified in the book store as Fantasy. Some authors, such as Piers Anthony and his Xanth series, may have been classified as Science Fiction/Fantasy.

Of course, Lord Of The Rings came soon after I read those first capturing books by C.S. Lewis. A bit older, the books took on more meaning and sealed my addiction to Fantasy. Terry Brooks and The Elf Stones Of Shannara was another great series. The show that was made does the story no justice.


Ever heard of White Ring Wielder? The Thomas Covenant series by Stephen R. Donaldson? A great mixture of reality and fantasy through the point of view of a divorced modern day leper.

One of the very best that all connoisseurs of Dungeons & Dragons are familiar with? The Dragonlance series! The rippling muscles of Caramon were no match for the magic of his frail brother, Raistlin.

Highschool Must Reads Were Often Exceptional

Looking back, many of the mandatory reads for Highschool English were award winners. How could a student eager for knowledge not enjoy them?


Of Mice And Men, Moby Dick, To Kill A Mockingbird, and Lord Of Flies were a few of those books and absolute must reads in my opinion. And that of the one's in charge of our Highschool curriculum at the time.

Do kids still have to read these books? Guess I'll find out, as my eldest is entering 9th grade this year.

What were your favorite books growing up? Do you still read books? If so, what genre do you prefer? Romance? Lol. My mom used to gobble the smut books up!

Thanks for reading and hope you still enjoy reading as much as I do. As always....


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I read a ton of fantasy and the only series I could not get through at all was the chronicles of thomas covenant. Absolutely my least favorite series I have ever tried.

I can understand why. There's so much story building, it gets boring in certain parts and stays that way for pages and pages. 👍

Its not so much the story building, its just that the protagonist is incredibly whiny and unlikable. I mean I did read the first book and some of the 2nd, just couldnt get through it. I've read a lot of the longer fantasy series, Malazan, Wheel of Time, etc.. and I know there are slogs to get through that pay off in the end but I just couldnt do it with that one.

Lol. I wonder if Donaldson was going through a tough patch of life when he wrote it.

I've noticed the same trend in myself in my reading veering away from novels to more internet based. Hubby and I always imagined ourselves surrounded by bookshelves in our retirement, but it's been replaced with YouTube and Minecraft for hubby and Hive and informational blogs for me.

I'm eyeing up your list of fantasy novels with interest now, though. The Narnia series was, of course, a must for every generation. I read them to my girls too. I loved the Anne McCaffrey dragons of Pern series, growing up. Hubby and I used to devour the Anne Rice vampire chronicles. Then for a younger audience which adults can still enjoy there's Garth Nix. I rad his Keys to the Kingdom series to my girls, which was enjoyable, but not quite as good as his Abhorsen series (also read too my daughters).

Hubby liked horror, so we read James Herbert and Shaun Hutson.

I remember Ann McCaffrey and Ann Rice, but never heard of Garth Nix. The horror authors sound familiar, especially Herbert. I'll have to check those out as well.

Another one I devoured was the Gord the Rogue series by Gary Gygax. Novels by one of the head creators of D&D and AD&D are rather.....creative! 🙂👍

Garth Nix is a fairly new author, I'm pretty sure he wasn't around when I was growing up. He also targets an adolescent audience, so that could be why you've not come across him. I'd still recommended the Old Kingdom/Abhorsen series for adults if you like fantasy. I've hung onto that series.

Such a lovely post! My first book was a collection of romanian fairytales, I remember I was so fascinated with the dragons and fairies lol.

Now I prefer more personal growth books, psychology, biographies. I recently finished a book of Dale Carnegie.

I find reading super relaxing and I could not imagine long periods of time without reading. I got used to it and now I'm hooked.

That's awesome you still like to pick up books. Carnegie, hmm? How to Make Friends And Influence People. Is that correct? Good read right there. 🙂👍

Hey, yes. Very very good!

Going by memory. I read most of that book. It's short, too, if I remember correctly. Around 200 pages or so. Not sure why I didn't finish but I know I lost it at some point. During a move or something. What a great read though. It wasn't what I expected from the title. 🙂

The title can often be deceiving in a book. The idea behind Dale's book is that all of those advices won't work unless you genuinely apply them from the heart. If someone gets through the book hoping to mechanically use the information to get only what they want in life, they will fail. I see this book as a guide to becoming yourself a better person in the daily interaction with people. To be genuinely interested to be a good person. It goes a long way😊

I am so happy you picked upon the book I was reading, that's so cool, I am sure you are very well read and I like when I come across such people on Hive😊📖

Aww shucks. 😊

Not sure how well read I am.....but I always try to remain teachable. 😉

I mostly read that was available in school library.
I do not remember the stories as such but I remember the series name though.

The Hardy Boys.
The Famous Five
The Secret seven
Power Rangers

Yea the Hardy Boys. Used to love those books too. 👍😁

I don't have much book with me currently but I go to be with an audibook or sometimes reading something from I read so many books since I was a little and uh probably the mousedeer was the first story I knew and read by mom.

I may try an audio book next time I have a very long drive or flight. Thanks for the comment! 👍🙂

I don't remember the first book but I do remember that the book of my childhood was Prince and The Pauper. Laltely I haven't read too much unfortunately...

Another essential story. The Prince and the Pauper. They play it on TV programming here in the States all the time. At least they used to. 😁


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I don't remember the first book I read. I was probably 5 or so. But my grandmother got me the C.S. Lewis Narnia books when she was in England and I still have them. They were paperbacks and have become very delicate. So I have a second set for re-reading.

I was a voracious reader as a child. We lived on Library Street growing up and the library in our small town was open on Weds and Sat. You could take out 7 books at a time. It wasn't enough!

I probably have in excess of 5000 books in this house now. When I move things into the addition, there's probably going to be a lot of weeding out.