Making friends



You're not degrading yourself by asking someone. It doesn't mean you're weak if you will rely on someone. ~ mrnightmare

Hive is not just about blockchain and it's not just some cryptocurrency. If you will dig deeper understand the platform. You will realise that the platform could be a nice place. A place where you can be happy and a place where it can teach you many things. I don't understand it at first when I was new because I was blinded by my thoughts to earn. I was focused on making content so that I can earn but I was wrong. My first idea was failed and in return, I earned a little.

By the way, you can earn bigger if you have a talent in art. You can see many of them earning too big. Just not my thing even though I want it. You have talent so you should be thankful to the curators. But it's not always that's why making friends in the hive should be the first thing you must do. It's true that curators have great power but you can not rely on them always. It's not all the time they will like your content. I'm not saying that there are times your work is not pretty. I'm just referring to the content that curators love. Sometimes their tastes differ and not stay the same.

However, when you're making friends here. You have an assurance that they will support you because at the same time you're supporting them. Not just them, of course, will do but also you. If you can hundreds of friends. Their powers might not that big if they will unite. Every content of yours for sure will earn even just a little.


If we also not be focused on earnings and divert ourselves that makes us happy. Having friends is not a bad thing. Even though they can't support you as you wanted. You will not think of leaving hive even though you're not earning anything. Yes, you got it, your mind will be diverted into keep on smiling and have conversations.

It's important to have friends in the hive so that you will not feel being left behind. You are not earning good and you are not enjoying it anymore. One thing will come into your mind for sure. That's why you need to build relationships with other hivers. Just do comments and appreciate their contents. By doing that they will also do comments in your contents. Isn't it amazing when someone commented in your posts even though that post barely earning a penny?

Yes, simple comments and conversation in the comment section will make you satisfied. You will forget the frustration you're feeling because you're not earning. Your mind will be focused on having fun with those who comment and will bring that conversation in discord that may end up closer to each other. That's not much happiness but at least it will help you to keep your track in the hive and might be learning something new from random friends. Not that bad, right? Make some friends and not just focus on rewards or else you will just be depressed. It's not fun anymore if you are not happy what you are doing.

Thank you for reading

d' dreamboy,