A Sublimely Beautiful Sunday - Frankenmuth Edition

Hiya Hivers!

Welcome to my Frankenmuth Funday for Sunday!


My kids have some cool custom designer masks that have sharks and such on them that were kindly given to me. However, the Old Guy just rocks the cheapo surgical style and hope for the best. Just last week our Governor decided to decree a $500 fine for not wearing a mask in public. YIKESS!


The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!


It was good to see that the Zehnder's chicken was being a responsible avian and wearing his mask while making the rounds in public. I think we best make tracks to get into the air conditioning as it is on the hot side (90+) for such a think costume!


AS seen here the driver is practicing proper protocal by being mask strong as are the ladies walking across the way. The horses I believe to be exempt 🤣


However, these toy soldiers are just not going along with the Governors decree. Tsk tsk you rebels of wood!


There are always so many flowers and things to walk around and look at. However with the extreme heat and the masks, it was not the best time ever.


A good time was had by all. It was the first time I was able to meet the parents of my daughter's boyfriend. They live in Missouri and are only up to Michigan about once a year. I treated for the chicken dinners, but they are treating the Old Guy next weekend. Sounds like some more fun is in store. Stay tuned.


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Looks like things are peachy just over the border for you. Insane that they are fining people not wearing masks but encouraging that people are taking precautions. Here, they just decreed masks mandatory in businesses and will probably my just fine the business owners with massless people caught in their stores.

I will have to put together a fun post of our excursion rocking the tags you use in this one.

Thanks for the fun trip around and stay safe my friend.

Thanks for "tagging" along lol.

Fining clueless people or absent minded people seems a bit wrong.

We cannot go on public transportation or into any public parks without masks. Also most private businesses require it. The cops will fine you for causing a disturbance if you don't comply when asked.

Tsk tsk you rebels of wood!

You always make me laugh, @old-guy-photos!

Looks like a really fun outing. Wow, a $500 fine? I sort of wish they would do that here. Many people aren't going to comply otherwise. (But I do understand that everyone feels differently about that!)

Hope you like your daughter's boyfriend's parents. But I suppose if not, at least they're not right down the street.

Well, looks like not mask for the horse and the "soldiers". 😎

I think masks are in our future for some time yet!