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RE: Reset, My Wish For The World

Thanks so much for your comment! I am always most nervous about posting my poems, and this one especially. "Who is going to get this?" I wondered. Thank you for getting it.

I've had a $1200 fraudulent charge on my bank account, have gotten the run around from the bank for the last hour, and am now part way through a 50 minute wait for a "specialist". This is BS. Please tell McMensa I think he is a fool. Maybe he and I should get together and tell each other directly how we feel about each other.


Oh man fighting a fraudulent charge is like trying to persuade a tornado to stay home.
Or trying to put out wildfires with a bucket of water. I almost NEVER win battles. Sorry you're fighting this one and wishing you victory!! As for meeting face to face, arguing/debating and using powers of persuasion, I'm even worse at that stuff. Have I ever in my life won an argument, made a convert...? I did get a cancer patient to try mangosteen juice ten years ago, and his wife to this day credits me for his recovery (to some extent) but I'd credit her devotion and nurturing as his wife. The mangosteen juice is just a reinforcement.

I love the teetering at the top of the ladder in your poem, along with that little light at the end of the tunnel that spells hope.